
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j2amt3d wrote

What kind of volunteering are you looking to do. Meaning what populations are you looking to engage when your volunteer?

I do about 3 or 4 hours of volunteer work a week and depending on what you are looking for there are tons of places always looking for help.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j291l5q wrote

Ok. Your racist. Got it. Also, being upset because of reddit is not really a thing is it.

You seem upset that pointing out a racist phrase was not done nice enough?

For real, you are such a delicate person you want someone to hold your hand and hug you as they tell you using the N word is not ok?

If you want to post a list of the raciist words you use I'll tell you youre handsome and funny in between providing citations to why they are racist if it will help.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j289sn3 wrote

I never said “oh, by the way”. I posted exactly two facts with citations. No opinion added, no take added, two facts with citations. Maybe you are reading into it and projecting but it doesn’t change the fact, you can keep using the clips and the phrase grandfathered in has racist origins.

What would your preferred approach to letting someone know the language they are using has a racist origin be. Nobody ever said the dude was racist, nobody implied he was being a dick. You jumped to a conclusion based on your own bullshit and now you are here on record with a long string defending people being able to use racist language because it hurt your feeling to be told about it. Not really a great look.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j26ct3l wrote

I personally use historically exempt. I didnt realize it myself until it was pointed out to me. I figure it is no bother to not use it anymore, kinda like preferred pronouns. It causes me zero harm or inconvenience to no longer use it so I switched. Given the downvotes seems Reddit really wants to keep using this one though. Again, no skin off my teeth, I’ll keep using historically exempt and pointing out the origin of the phrase.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j23gfp0 wrote

I actually got pulled over for exactly this. I had been living in Colorado and drove back east to visit my father. We were headed to the store one day and I drove by a cop. He immediately turned on his lights, pulled a u turn and pulled me over.

He came up to the window like a cop, “do you know why I pulled you over”.

I said yeah I do, you saw I didnt have a sticker, looked in your rear view and saw a green plate, thought it was a VT plate and pulled me over.

He admitted it, asked for my license and registration which I showed him and sent me on my way. Now that I think about it. Fuck that cop.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j21o5ej wrote

I’ve asked employee to do this. I have also has them say no. Not much you can do. It is not really a key as a key is a physical device and I know exactly what it does, an authentication app comes with a TOS written by a lawyer in 3 point font that may or may not commit you to giving away your 7th child. Nobody knows because nobody has ever read one all the way through


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j20xvr2 wrote

Yeah, there are a lot of those. I’m not sure why people lack basic decency anymore. Someone else got downvoted to oblivion for saying it, but part of it is the new Vermonters. Lots moved here after visiting and recreating on open land and don’t realize that there is a lot of good will and relationship building that go into our open land doctrine.