
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j36mxxe wrote

Since it’s just an opinion, I think she meant outdoorsy types with dogs who refuse to follow leash laws. You know the ones, they don’t keep their dogs on a leash and when they run around and jump up on strangers they say “ohhh he is friendly.” And then you need to say, that is awesome, but my 4 year old is still wicked allergic and now I’m going to need to undress before I go into the house and spend an hour vacuuming out the car so he doesn’t get hives next time he is in it.

Yeah, probably that.

Also, could be Republicans, Democrats, minorities, or white people depending on her politics and how racists she is.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j31f8gt wrote

I don’t know about to fast but I do wonder about the longevity of some in smaller places. As the poster below mentioned, there is one in Cambridge which could serve Smuggs I guess but the amount of money which needs to be invested in inventory that has a shelf life vs the off season sales must be a big financial commitment by the owner.

I hope we eventually get to the point where it can be sold like beer or wine, or even like liquor, and the distribution channels become normalized.

Better yet, sold at the farmers market. If that happened I would get the tent back out and supplement my income quickly.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j2ucy8p wrote

I got downvoted a bunch a while back for pointing this out. The UN and a bunch of other international organizations got together to define what a “city” was. The general consensus was at least 50k people. Burlington doesn’t even qualify.

>The degree of urbanization is a modern metric to help define what comprises a city: "a population of at least 50,000 inhabitants in contiguous dense grid cells (>1,500 inhabitants per square kilometer)".[19] This metric was "devised over years by the European Commission, OECD, World Bank and others, and endorsed in March [2021] by the United Nations... largely for the purpose of international statistical comparison".[20]


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j2kp980 wrote

I never minded the cold, and I like the spring, fall and summer but winter is miserable at this point. It’s muddy, and icy and slushy. Mix in a good dose of freezing rain and that cold damp that penetrates into your bones and it just generally sucks. I send my youngest on the ski program next week for the first time this winter and I’m not sure the mountain will be worth it at this point.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j2bjy9u wrote

Give the churches a shot for soup kitchen stuff. The goodwill is always looking. You can check out Washington county mental health as they may have some opportunities as well. The restore in barre is a good resource as well. Good luck and thank you for giving back.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j2b2xpb wrote

I’ll give you a hint... why would someone who knows the racist origins of the phrase grandfathered in use such an obviously loaded word like chief? Especially in response to someone who openly claims they don’t care the phrase they are using is racist, they plan to keep using it.

I’m really surprised to be honest. You struck me as much more observant.