thisoneisnotasbad t1_j61j9ui wrote
Reply to comment by Generic_Commenter-X in self-defense effectively being banned in Vermont. by Northwoods01
I never understand the storing ammo separately. An unloaded gun is a pretty useless tool and defeats the whole point of having a gun to start with.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j5whvp3 wrote
S31 can duck right off. I don’t carry a gun in public but there is zero data to support banning it in VT.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j5vjra8 wrote
Reply to comment by bravestatevt in Brave Little State: Films based in VT, dog adoption or Airbnbs? by bravestatevt
I suggest you report on great social issue questions you ask then get outvoted. People have proposed some great topics but dumbassery outvoted it. How about the one on how the state is failing incarcerated individuals by having shit services for reintegration. But this time, don’t offer some stupid alternative for people to vote for like legends of bootlegging or whatever that one was.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j5tf4wj wrote
Reply to comment by MarkVII88 in In this scenario, what would “Vermont Style” pizza be? by Unique-Public-8594
You can build it. But you need to build a duplicate failover in case the first one sucks. Additionally the ingredients are required to meet some standards but the certification for meeting those standards is a for. Where you just check “yes I meet those standards”.
Also, you find after all that it is a little worse than the other guys who said the state can fuck off and built the pizza he wanted without all the bullshit and you realize the state will never come after him.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j5tbij7 wrote
Reply to comment by Cobdain in Confused by the temperature this winter by Free_Carrot2781
Yup, I remember a few winters we went a week without hitting the plus side of zero.
I don’t miss it. It was hunker down survival mode. Needed to bundle up just to run to the woodshed to grab an armload of wood. I ended up with frostbite one because I touched a piece of metal that was -20 while I was trying to get a car to start.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j5qpkjz wrote
Reply to comment by bravestatevt in Brave Little State: Films based in VT, dog adoption or Airbnbs? by bravestatevt
> I do want our reporting to reflect the reality of what is actually happening in VT.
Then why do you do so many fluff pieces? Sometimes you have great stories, but a lot of time there is stuff like the other two options to vote on. The Netflix show Wednesday and out of state shelter? How is that what is happening in VT. I understand you can’t attract listeners with doom and gloom all the time but every once in a while the public desire to be placated with stories about bullshit should just be ignored and you should cover a real topic that impacts real people.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j5lhz36 wrote
Reply to comment by RZRPRINCESS in Brave Little State: Films based in VT, dog adoption or Airbnbs? by bravestatevt
Right, but it needs a “quirky” location. VT was that fake location.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j5l6glv wrote
Reply to comment by Cease_Cows_ in Brave Little State: Films based in VT, dog adoption or Airbnbs? by bravestatevt
Last time it came up I think it was out voted by the legend of bootleggers and smugglers notch.
*although that could have been reintroduction after incarceration not air bnb
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j5l417e wrote
1: Because that is how Hollywood works. VT is “quirky” and it fit the atheistic.
2:Becasue Shelters in those state have high kill rates and a lot of dogs that need homes.
Now that the first two are answered can we focus on the one that impacts real people and has a bearing on the future of our state.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j5h5z2a wrote
Reply to comment by HappilyhiketheHump in Former St. Albans Officer Acquitted of Assault in Taser Case by Large-Frame-6345
The video does paint a different story.
It sounds more like a case of the prosecutor not wanting a conviction and doing nothing to pursue a conviction. They know who the defense will call but do nothing to get their own witness to disagree. They do t even call the guy who was tazed to the stand.
It is very clear they wanted the cop to get off because they need to work with them and we’re grudgingly prosecuting a case they had no interest in winning.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j5fynn6 wrote
Reply to comment by somedudevt in Reddit, get your friggen algo sorted out. Not even close by sweintraub
Most of the people I came up with didn’t moonshine. We all grew pot every summer though. A few brewed beer but making alcohol takes more resources and space than growing weed in my experience.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j5fopie wrote
Reply to comment by oblivioncntrlsu in Reddit, get your friggen algo sorted out. Not even close by sweintraub
Exactly, someone said the difference is we don’t moonshine. Weed is to VT what moonshine is to WV.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j5f3o55 wrote
Reply to comment by vtsunshine83 in Is USPS okay? by WingsOfFireAndCake
I have started having my Amazon shit delivered to work with the permission of the mailroom. A FedEx package that gets stuck in Williston for a week makes it on time every time to a business address in my experience.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j5f3c24 wrote
Reply to comment by Commercial_Case_7475 in Reddit, get your friggen algo sorted out. Not even close by sweintraub
Can confirm. Have hung out with hillbillies in WV. Lots in common, poverty is pretty universal.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j5aftcq wrote
Reply to Wait. Say What? Today I learned what I thought was only a normal gas station / convenience store is actually a Nepalese Restaurant. 😳 by Unique-Public-8594
And a really good one. That place has good food.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j59v72q wrote
Reply to comment by Optimized_Orangutan in Looking for a builder local to Lowell or surrounding area. by ashsloth
Came here to do just this. You beat me to it.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j54p3rn wrote
Reply to comment by cryospam in Bernie Sanders tells Starbucks to stop busting unions in scathing letter to CEO by VermontArmyBrat
I don’t think armed civil war is a reality any time soon and I don’t think economic boycotts or other acts of non approved civil disobedience will be tolerated by the power class at any level that has a real impact.
Reddit seems to get foamy at the mouth and call people fascist when they say both sides but come on man, both sides. One side is openly shitty with openly shitty people the other side is a little less shitty on social issues, with a couple decent people, but mostly full of greedy opportunistic profiteers.
At this point voting on a federal level is akin to making the decision to treat a gunshot would with a bandaid or dirty rag. Neither will really help, one will cause an active infection but both are going to leave you dead in roughly the same amount of time.
The US experiment is failing due to greed and a political system designed to keep the rich rich and the poor begging for crumbs.
I wish I had a better attitude about all this but even this article is a perfect example. Someone in Washington takes note of a union busting organization and what do they do? Write a strongly worded letter and people cheer.
We are at a point where we need to do something, anything, to make a change. Half measures will avail us nothing and lip service is getting old.
Be the change you want to see in the world but prepare for shit to get worse, and not better. I predict legal weed will be the 2024 distraction. Hey all, our healthcare system continues to crumble.... but you can buy legal weed now.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j54ma52 wrote
Reply to Landlord AND health inspector failing to fix mice issue, and now landlord may not renew lease because we spoke up by [deleted]
Hate to break it to you but yes, it would be legal.
For the water one, that sucks but that is VT. Growing up my school would have a boil water notice regularly because we were near a number of farms and the runoff impacted water quality. It still happens in a lot of places. If does not excuse it and the landlord should have done all they could to quickly fix it. I was more saying it is not uncommon or surprising.
For the mice, look at it from the other side. You called and reported them to the health inspector for a mice infestation that was not real. The health inspector said to keep using traps implying it is a normal level of mice in a VT trailer. Would you keep a renter who reported you to the state for a imagined infestation.
I’ll probably be downvoted again, I’ve been downvoted before but... VT renters rights are only good on paper. Once you get the state involved you realize they don’t really care and your landlord can legally kick you out (for a totally and unrelated coincidence of course). Complain and make reports at your own risk.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j50nbm5 wrote
Reply to comment by whaletacochamp in How to Best Experience VT? by Strict_Ad_846
To be fair, we make up for our high cost of living with our low wages.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j4wr9iw wrote
Reply to comment by Intelligent-Hunt7557 in Citing racism, MUHS girls’ basketball team skip game at Enosburg Falls by thedvlandgod
Sorry bud, I don’t debate nazis.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j4undhy wrote
Reply to comment by Intelligent-Hunt7557 in Citing racism, MUHS girls’ basketball team skip game at Enosburg Falls by thedvlandgod
While I’m kinda with you, the other dudes plan does have some historical precedent. Since you decided to jump right to hitler, the 1936 olympics are a pretty famous debate the nazi thing you are talking about. Your argument would not have the us or anyone participate and certainly not have Jesse Owens compete.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j4spd4p wrote
Reply to comment by ShorthairHunter in Any good sledding hills in Plainfield? by ShorthairHunter
Yes, looks like he was describing it coming from the other direction. Same hill. Hard to miss and a ton of fun.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j4sjbgk wrote
Yes. Clay hill.
Right past Goddard on the right (headed towards Montpelier) as soon as you hit the flats before the hardware store.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j4r2xvx wrote
Reply to comment by SomeConstructionGuy in So buying is unaffordable...what about building? by thebaerfetus
Exactly. If you can read and follow directions you can build a house.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j63julb wrote
Reply to Local Beef Organs by Leshrac528
Why do you want organs, that shit tastes offal.