thisoneisnotasbad t1_jaxrbou wrote
Reply to Ethan Parke: Senate bill offers health insurance to legislators, but not to other Vermonters by futurerecordholder
I assume this is part of the push to make being a lawmaker in VT lucrative enough that doing so won’t cause a large financial burden. As it stands only people who are currently doing well financially or have other financial help can afford to spend so much time at the capitol.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_jap2c2j wrote
Reply to Propane Tank Removal by iamthebugwan
You cancel your service and they are required to remove the tanks and reimburse you for any propane in them.
They are also under a timer if you want to press the issue.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_jad8rof wrote
Reply to comment by flambeaway in How good is Fidium Fiber? by Runetang42
They always seem to know when I lose power. I assume the smart meters let them know.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_jaaskha wrote
It is a crime now. Not sure what the law was 50 years ago.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_jaas591 wrote
Reply to comment by IndigoHG in How good is Fidium Fiber? by Runetang42
Cell phones still works pretty well when the power is out,
thisoneisnotasbad t1_jaai5ph wrote
Reply to Republicans in Vermont? by rolloofnormandy50
Scott is done after this term, by choice.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_ja94vqe wrote
Here are 3 great resources to help you find a spot that works for you.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_ja4kbrg wrote
Reply to comment by Kvltadelic in Do you micromanage your plow service? by [deleted]
How big is your driveway. I bought a throw shower for about 1k. Last one lasted 10 years. Takes an hour to do a 150ft driveway and it gets done on my schedule. Not anybody else. Plus, it’s nice to be outside.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_ja36ap0 wrote
Reply to Vermont stone walls... by bravestatevt
That is a question that could have been answered with about 5 minutes of research.
Brave little state at it again with those important questions that make a difference to real people.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_ja2vz3d wrote
Reply to comment by RamaSchneider in And more on those Becca Balint did something wrong re FTX stories ... by RamaSchneider
I usually don’t engage you because you don’t seem interested in actual discussion but this time I would like to point out you are very mistaken.
>The only reason we know about the FTX money is because those guys were very unsophisticated regards avoiding disclosure
They knew the exact dates of the VT election cycle and the donations were made to actively prevent reporting until after the primary. In fact, according to 7 days this timing is a common tactic to avoid having the source of the money disclosed in a time period that impacts the outcomes.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j9vwzlq wrote
Reply to comment by HomeOnTheMountain_ in Becca Balint cooperating with federal prosecutors as new allegations against Sam Bankman-Fried emerge by HappilyhiketheHump
It was not just 26k. It was the super pac that give over 1 million to her campaign and allowed her to become a household name.
> Seven Days reported Tuesday that the LGBTQ Victory Fund, which spent just shy of $1 million on Balint's behalf in the race, had recently benefited from a $1.1 million donation from Nishad Singh, a top executive at the cryptocurrency exchange FTX
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j9t4u0u wrote
Reply to Landlords and political signs? by [deleted]
You can cause a scene and not have your lease renewed.
Shitty answer but is the sign worth possible retaliation at this point.
Sorry to be a Debbie Downer.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j9ql7go wrote
Reply to comment by UnidentifiedAsshole in Just learned there's a law about composting, how does everyone do it? by Dr_JackMeoff
No extras, the crows know the schedule. You could set a clock to them. The fox pays enough attention to know it's a great spot to hunt. The squirrels follow me out sometimes. I live with a state forest across the road and and a few hundred acres of woods behind me. It's the critters woods, they just tolerate me.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j9otax8 wrote
Reply to Senate panel advances major housing bill, overhauling municipal zoning and Act 250 by DaddyBobMN
If you think the problems we create are bad, just wait until you see our solutions.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j9o4z13 wrote
Reply to Turn around time for Vermont Non-Driver ID? Need one for 18 year very soon to get on a airline flight. Can you get one in a day or two? by lavransson
Yes, you can. My brother did it. You will need to wait at dmv though until someone sees you as you don’t have an appt. may be a long wait.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j9o4t07 wrote
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j9m7pv9 wrote
Reply to comment by KITTYONFYRE in drug testing as a new hire at Walmart? by beasttoyboyvt
It’s a oral swab, not a piss test as far as I know.
Except in Rutland where they just enjoy wiping it out.
Lol, sorry, ignore the second part but pretty sure the first part is right, at least that is what they do at Lowe’s and Home Depot.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j9m75g7 wrote
Reply to comment by meinblown in After 15 internal investigations of St. Albans police officers, city officials express confidence in department by DaddyBobMN
Where’s the dude who insisted there was nothing wrong with this community a few days ago and insisted it’s a great place to move to in VT?
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j9enhff wrote
Reply to comment by frisbeegopher in What are some legislative and day-to-day differences between VT, and MA? by spitsparadise
> Some) people will attempt to devalue your opinion because you’re not “from here”. This usually occurs when you’re right and they can’t otherwise back up their shitty stance on something. Try not to take it personally.
This is a seriously flatlander take. This guy doesn’t know shit.
/s ?
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j9bxa1d wrote
Reply to Vermont Lemon Law by 71802VT
Only experience is having a friend bring is a vehicle for the same problem a three times. Told him to mention the lemon law the third time and get written documentation on the reported issue for the first two times.
The third time the Toyota dealer kept it an extra day, spent some time with it and found and fixed the issue permanently.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j91g1x2 wrote
Reply to what is up dog hunting in Vermont? by zoolilba
> I understand these towns sound a little more rural than most but it's kinda terrifying to think people are just letting their hunting dogs roam uncontrolled through communities.
VT allows dog hunting. There are laws and rules around it. If someone is letting their hunting dogs roam uncontrolled through communities their are breaking those rules.
Don’t condemn a whole group of people over a couple bad actors.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j8z4vfq wrote
I collect food scraps in a 3 gallon composting bucket with a carbon filter to avoid smells. When it is full I walk it 300 or so feet into the woods and dump it.
I tried a composter. It has never made it overnight without getting ripped open. I figure fuck it.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j8w54bu wrote
Reply to Public river access by ProfessionalPopular6
UPW rules apply to lakes and ponds.
American whitewater did a piece as rivers are are little more complex and they access depends on if they are navigable.
The people who say all water in VT is public have never read the law.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j8romth wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Northfield's Police Chief Takes Flak for His Provocative Public Stances by BudsKind802
>is the concept of female only changing areas a hateful, bigoted idea or is it based out of legitimate concerns?
And the answer is "it depends"
Reddit is not good at nuance.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_jb04qef wrote
Reply to comment by HappilyhiketheHump in Ethan Parke: Senate bill offers health insurance to legislators, but not to other Vermonters by futurerecordholder
Perhaps people don’t remember when Schumlin tried and after a couple years finally had to admit universal healthcare was too expensive for a state with VT ‘s revenue to afford.
It’s a good goal and I am sure it will be relitigated ever 10 years or so. Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it and until there is a significant change on cost or state revenue, it will still end with it being too expensive.
*dude replied then blocked me.
Anyway, his claim is false which is why he has not produced a report.