
throwawayyyycuk t1_j0a1uj6 wrote

I’d like to see more businesses come to c street, as well as just more grocery stores that aren’t big box stores. My neighborhood is kind of a food desert with the closest store being the price cutter on commercial which sucks


throwawayyyycuk t1_j0a1b14 wrote

Ah, for sure this! Community gardens are the coolest part of living on the north side, there are a lot of them, but not nearly enough, my neighborhood used to have one (supposedly) I would love to see it make a comeback. I think every neighborhood group in Springfield should have at least one ran by the community.


throwawayyyycuk t1_izgjtj6 wrote

It’s not perfect, there has been more fun violence recently and that is concerning, but the homeless problem is not nearly as bad as you make it out to be. Don’t get me wrong, there are more homeless people, and they do panhandle, but there’s not heaping communities of them scouring the city, they roam solo or in pairs for the most part.


throwawayyyycuk t1_izckhi4 wrote

I just made a post saying this exact thing, yeah Stay away from the drug scene and you’ll be ok, our bus system is kind of junk! If you live near msu it will be ok though. There are a lot of Indian students that live in the apartments around the Panera bread on national street, which I frequent. They all seem really nice and do their thing.

Something I would recommend if you can stomach it is joining the church crowd even if you aren’t interested in Christianity because they will accept you and help you out.


throwawayyyycuk t1_izcivtv wrote

Also, the north side of Springfield is considered the poor sector and is also where all the homeless people travel (they actually sleep and hang around city hall) they aren’t horrible and mostly still have their ozarks hospitality and you will do them no wrong if you carry cigs. They do like to chitchat. South Springfield is “cleaner” but has a bunch of stupid shopping centers and roads that people drive too fast on and wreck their cars. There are pockets of unique neighborhoods that are old and well kept, we also have some colleges and the downtown is ok, and I believe we still have at least two (?) dedicated hobby stores, there are also stores in our mall that sell high quality toys and figurines


throwawayyyycuk t1_izci71e wrote

We definitely have both a homeless and a drug problem, but they are probably much less severe than Seattle. Supposedly Springfield has bad crime statistics and violence, but I guarantee you won’t notice if you aren’t in the habit of smoking meth. It’s a good cheap place to live, I would recommend getting involved in our local politics which are devolving steadily into a clown show. All in all, would recommend, can’t guarantee it won’t get worse though


throwawayyyycuk t1_ivwrjn6 wrote

Absolutely a Prius. Can you drive stick? They cost less. Some that stick out to me that are common are: Chevy cobalt, Chevy Aveo, Nissan Versa, Ford Fiesta, Kia Soul, Kia Rio, any Honda or Toyota sedan with a 4cyl, Hyundai Accent, there is others but I can’t remember.

Source: worked at Walmart auto, all cars came horribly neglected all the time, these seemed to do ok if signs of abuse weren’t obvious. Take care of whatever car you get and it’ll take car of you, mostly


throwawayyyycuk t1_ivr16uw wrote

Post this to r/chipotle or r/mildly infuriating or something, this isn’t a Springfield thing it’s something you’ll have to speak to my manager about unfortunately, I just don’t have the authority to change what corporate wants us to serve. I’ll go get them for you, they’re in the back it’ll just be a minute