thruster_fuel69 t1_iu5gwi7 wrote
Reply to comment by StarChild413 in The Heavy Price of Longtermism | Longtermists focus on ensuring humanity’s existence into the far future. But not without sacrifices in the present. by thenewrepublic
Indeed. They'd probably live better lives too. We all, wood.
thruster_fuel69 t1_iu4te7s wrote
Reply to comment by axethebarbarian in The Heavy Price of Longtermism | Longtermists focus on ensuring humanity’s existence into the far future. But not without sacrifices in the present. by thenewrepublic
...instead of being politicians. Too much experience is really bad, as we see watching these ancient white men grapple with modern times.
thruster_fuel69 t1_itzuzie wrote
Reply to comment by Physical-Bill7793 in Tesla faces U.S. criminal probe over self-driving claims, sources say by 3loves9
Can confirm, hate Elon love tesla. He's great at disrupting, massively bad at maintaining and growing in calm times.
Super excited to buy a tesla for Christmas though, honestly the best car rn.
thruster_fuel69 t1_itny7em wrote
Reply to comment by Angerwing in Study finds brain changes associated with ADHD remission. As the brains of those with ADHD mature, some individuals may repetitively engage in strategies that compensate for symptoms. These repetitive behaviors may result in the brain changes seen in those who went into remission. by Wagamaga
I've learned to trust them, honestly I think they act as my gut check on almost anything. A random, but actually deeply related thought always pops up to shake things up.
thruster_fuel69 t1_itljbgs wrote
Reply to comment by proxyproxyomega in Study finds brain changes associated with ADHD remission. As the brains of those with ADHD mature, some individuals may repetitively engage in strategies that compensate for symptoms. These repetitive behaviors may result in the brain changes seen in those who went into remission. by Wagamaga
I think you can nurture yourself to be that, even far later on. Might need to eat some shrooms a few times, but its possible. I'm going for coo-coo crazy good at the moment.
thruster_fuel69 t1_itlg829 wrote
Reply to comment by AaronfromKY in Study finds brain changes associated with ADHD remission. As the brains of those with ADHD mature, some individuals may repetitively engage in strategies that compensate for symptoms. These repetitive behaviors may result in the brain changes seen in those who went into remission. by Wagamaga
Apparently I'm a super high functioning adhd, only medicated recently after like 20 years. Although I coped extremely well (did well as engineer), it was so much extra effort. Now that I'm on meds I see how hard my life was before. I would never call high function adhd remission myself..
For example, I was always exhausted and scared of context switching because I knew distractions would ruin my process. Now that I'm medicated there's no fear and in fact I'm very good at multi tasking. At the end of the day I'm not exhaused and defeated like I was before when i was supposedly in "remission".
thruster_fuel69 t1_it9n86s wrote
Reply to comment by Rao_Tzu in Scientists Are Gaming Out What Humanity Will Do If Aliens Make Contact by EricFromOuterSpace
That is, in fact, what I want too 🌠
thruster_fuel69 t1_it9m1n3 wrote
Reply to comment by Rao_Tzu in Scientists Are Gaming Out What Humanity Will Do If Aliens Make Contact by EricFromOuterSpace
Thank you, yes exactly. Beyond some rudimentary emergency plans to get the smartest people finding solutions based on what the threat is actually, I don't see any point. Better off focusing on what we can do now to improve before they get here.
thruster_fuel69 t1_it90pyf wrote
Reply to comment by Rao_Tzu in Scientists Are Gaming Out What Humanity Will Do If Aliens Make Contact by EricFromOuterSpace
I'm scared for all of us. Humanity is going to be focus locked on their known science when aliens come. Going to get sucker punched looking down at our hands.
thruster_fuel69 t1_it8oge7 wrote
Reply to comment by Rao_Tzu in Scientists Are Gaming Out What Humanity Will Do If Aliens Make Contact by EricFromOuterSpace
Lmao sure. How will people react to mini wormholes warping soldiers into their homes? Or how will they feel when the 3rd dimension is removed and we're all suddenly squashed. There's a massive amount of very different possibilities that we can't imagine. Planning for them is stupid, but maybe it's just right for sociology 🤭
thruster_fuel69 t1_it8nci3 wrote
Reply to comment by Rao_Tzu in Scientists Are Gaming Out What Humanity Will Do If Aliens Make Contact by EricFromOuterSpace
We can't imagine the scenarios dude. It's pointless. What are you practicing exactly.
thruster_fuel69 t1_it8mkbb wrote
Reply to comment by Rao_Tzu in Scientists Are Gaming Out What Humanity Will Do If Aliens Make Contact by EricFromOuterSpace
Ok, so do we start planning for a wormhole attack? Multi dimensional space time folding? Pure magic, from our point of view if they make it all this way to see us.
The only plan should be to learn about the aliens, when we see them. Making up solvable fantasies now is a fools game.
thruster_fuel69 t1_it8hx4r wrote
Reply to comment by Rao_Tzu in Scientists Are Gaming Out What Humanity Will Do If Aliens Make Contact by EricFromOuterSpace
Ok sure, just don't be shocked when these plans are absolutely useless. At least planning for nukes is based on known variables.
thruster_fuel69 t1_it8g2ft wrote
Reply to comment by Rao_Tzu in Scientists Are Gaming Out What Humanity Will Do If Aliens Make Contact by EricFromOuterSpace
What is, exactly? 100% agree I'm just not sure where you stand on researching fantasies.
thruster_fuel69 t1_it880sp wrote
Reply to comment by Rao_Tzu in Scientists Are Gaming Out What Humanity Will Do If Aliens Make Contact by EricFromOuterSpace
I'd actually appreciate a plan for this tbh.
thruster_fuel69 t1_it7yabc wrote
Reply to comment by AnimaTrapDelaSangre in Scientists Are Gaming Out What Humanity Will Do If Aliens Make Contact by EricFromOuterSpace
Nuclear war is well known. Tell me, how will aliens invade?
thruster_fuel69 t1_it7tmqo wrote
Reply to comment by captain554 in Scientists Are Gaming Out What Humanity Will Do If Aliens Make Contact by EricFromOuterSpace
Anytime, captain of numbers.
thruster_fuel69 t1_it7t3hx wrote
Reply to comment by nicklolno in Scientists Are Gaming Out What Humanity Will Do If Aliens Make Contact by EricFromOuterSpace
I'm saying they should study subjects with evidence. They're going to base it all off a known unknown, instead of a pure unknown. Whatever they come up with will be shallow and fragile at best.
thruster_fuel69 t1_it7qgb5 wrote
Reply to Scientists Are Gaming Out What Humanity Will Do If Aliens Make Contact by EricFromOuterSpace
Scientists need to focus on real work until they have evidence smh
thruster_fuel69 t1_it4bhsg wrote
Reply to Low-Dose THC Has Positive Effect on Morbidity, Quality of Life and Mortality in Geriatric and Palliative Patients by BoundariesAreFun
High dose works great too!
thruster_fuel69 t1_isp34m9 wrote
Reply to comment by running_wizard in Dieters are often the people encouraging their partners to overeat in a relationship, according to new research by MadScienceD
Stop making spouses fat!!
thruster_fuel69 t1_isk17l6 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in The Solar System Isn’t Ready to Deal With Humanity’s Garbage by Maxcactus
Don't worry, garbage burns up in the atmosphere! That's the argument I get when I raise this topic.
thruster_fuel69 t1_isamf0w wrote
Reply to comment by DellSalami in NASA's Swift and Fermi missions detect exceptional cosmic blast by nikan69
It's trying to kill us bro..
thruster_fuel69 t1_iry3e1t wrote
Reply to comment by Nitz93 in For children who had a major stroke to the left hemisphere of their brain within days of their birth, the infant's brain was 'plastic' enough for the right hemisphere to acquire the language abilities ordinarily handled by the left side while also maintaining its own language abilities as well. by Wagamaga
"To be seen there".. settle down there Dr evil.
thruster_fuel69 t1_iu6u12g wrote
Reply to comment by Adifferentdose in A review concluded that "research suggests that CBD has promising biological properties for applications in dentistry." by OregonTripleBeam
Anyone disagreeing with your statement isn't actually human. Not fully.