thunderGunXprezz t1_j7nwkei wrote
Reply to comment by Its-me-big-dee in I can't remember a funny name for central Pennsylvania by TheGingivist
I fucking hate degens from upcountry.
thunderGunXprezz t1_j7nvrcl wrote
Reply to comment by Thekid721 in I can't remember a funny name for central Pennsylvania by TheGingivist
That's an indigenous word from the Lenni Lenape people. It means "stream that forks".
thunderGunXprezz t1_j7nvboz wrote
Reply to comment by Analysis-Special in I can't remember a funny name for central Pennsylvania by TheGingivist
Hey now. As a resident of Northern Allegheny County, we reject the spillover from our borders in every direction. My local Wal-Mart gets raided regularly from the degens from upcountry (Butler County). We hate that shit as much as anyone and I will fight until my last breath to keep Pennsyltucky out of the Greater Pittsburgh area.
thunderGunXprezz t1_j6l1oit wrote
Reply to comment by PivotalPosture in PA Vehicle Inspection: do they really fail a car for rust? by PivotalPosture
As I said, it's only going to fail if it's unsafe for the road... that I know of. I don't think body rust is a problem unless you're talking about pieces potentially falling off as you drive. People like to shit on the inspection in general, but I think that mostly comes from shops that embellish problems and try to coerce people into fixing things that they might not need to. I think that's usually few and far between and you always have an option to get a second opinion.
Trying not to be too preachy here, but in my opinion if you're driving a 2 ton hunk of metal down the road at 65 mph next to me during my morning commute, I'd hope that you'd have enough respect to feel some responsibility that your shit box isn't going to drop a piece of your bumper on the turnpike (looking at you Ohio). This of course isn't directly aimed at you but it hopefully explains why these regulations are necessary to hopefully let as many of us get home safely every day.
thunderGunXprezz t1_j6l08d1 wrote
Did they fail it? If so, what for? I've lived in PA all my life and have dealt with plenty of rusted out vehicles that fail inspection. Usually it's only when the frame or something critical like that is compromised.
Also, having several family members in the auto body and auto service industries, this isn't exactly something to overlook. It sucks, but in the event that an avoidable failure causes an accident, you'd certainly be liable. Again it sucks, but it's kinda part of being a responsible vehicle operator. If your kid was on a school bus that had a rusted out frame that caused an accident I'm sure you'd feel differently.
thunderGunXprezz t1_j65aw6s wrote
Reply to comment by IceblinkLuck0 in Low A.B.V. Beer in PGH? by PseudoAccountant
Love Brew Dog's NA IPA's. Coors Edge is also a very tasty "traditional" NA beer. Athletic Brewing also has a few good options.
thunderGunXprezz OP t1_j4jck2p wrote
Reply to comment by thehoagieboy in do I need a printed copy of my vehicle registration for inspection by thunderGunXprezz
Thanks that's awesome. I think I mentioned it but I wanna say I was able to just text a picture of it to them last year. Seems like the sort of thing the state should be able to just confirm for you guys from the Vin and drivers license.
thunderGunXprezz OP t1_j4j3y1a wrote
Reply to comment by 9ntech in do I need a printed copy of my vehicle registration for inspection by thunderGunXprezz
Do you need to keep a photocopy of it with your paperwork (the inspector)? In that case, I see no difference in say, getting it via email and printing it vs. making a copy. I appreciate you not wanting to have to do more work, nobody likes that. Ultimately I think it was a real stupid decision by the state to no longer mail you a copy. Of all the ways they could save a buck that was literally the worst way.
thunderGunXprezz OP t1_j4j3htt wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in do I need a printed copy of my vehicle registration for inspection by thunderGunXprezz
I know I need it and it has to be valid. My question was whether I needed to print it out or if I can show it to them on my phone. Others have already confirmed I don't need to print it out.
thunderGunXprezz OP t1_j4htx95 wrote
Reply to comment by WhoUsesTheirRealName in do I need a printed copy of my vehicle registration for inspection by thunderGunXprezz
Ok. Ya I have my insurance card (they mail me printed copies). I think I may have emailed my registration to them last time, I can't remember.
Submitted by thunderGunXprezz t3_10csam5 in Pennsylvania
thunderGunXprezz t1_j2utvzr wrote
Reply to comment by Mijbr090490 in Divided Pennsylvania House elects Democrat Rozzi as speaker by boundfortrees
The shit apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
thunderGunXprezz t1_j2fqztv wrote
Definitely making pork & kraut tomorrow. But my wife & kid don't like it so at the moment I have a Smithfield Sweet Onion Teriyaki pork loin in the oven and I'm making fried rice to go along with it for tonight.
thunderGunXprezz t1_j1xss7e wrote
Reply to comment by sonofcrack in Unique Pittsburgh Pizza by thereandfatagain
If you're in the gibsonia area Messina's Pizza on middle road has reasonably priced wings and they are good. Although a few years ago they were one of the last places that sold whole wings as "a wing" meaning you used to get 2 dozen (wing + drum + tip) per each.
My go to now has been my turkey fryer or I just bake hunks of breast meat at home and sauce em up. It's obviously more work than going out or ordering in but at these prices it's just not worth the cost of paying what is creeping into steak prices. I'm not paying $20/lb for chicken scraps.
thunderGunXprezz t1_j1xp5iz wrote
Reply to comment by sonofcrack in Unique Pittsburgh Pizza by thereandfatagain
Not positive how they compare in price to Sidelines in Millvale (though being familiar with BSB I gotta think they're less expensive) but they have amazing wings.
While I lived for wing nights years ago it's getting to be a bit ridiculous these days. I've opted for either making my own at home or when I don't want to bother with frying, I just cut chicken breasts up into little chunks and toss them in oil, a bit of seasoning and bake them in the oven on one of those crisper trays. It's just an elevated grate on top of a sheet tray. Toss or dip them in whatever sauces you want and it's a wonderful substitute. Probably a bit healthier too. No bones, no fucking around trying to suck the meat off the bones. Just shovel em in!
thunderGunXprezz t1_j1xoc0f wrote
Reply to Unique Pittsburgh Pizza by thereandfatagain
Della Sala's in Verona is a unique shop as well. When I was in college in Greensburg a friend worked there on the weekends. Friday or Saturday night she'd often come back with pizza when we were partying/hanging out.
If I remember correctly, when sold the crust is par-baked and the toppings you choose along with the cheese is added fresh. Sicilian style rectangle cuts, you just throw it in the oven for 8-10 min and it's ready to go.
Not everyone's cup of tea but it's a great option if you're trying to plan ahead and want something hot out of the oven without having to coordinate delivery/pick up times so it arrives hot & ready. Plus you can always choose to make some of it the day of and keep the rest in the fridge for tomorrow.
thunderGunXprezz t1_j1xng08 wrote
Reply to comment by Prostar205 in Unique Pittsburgh Pizza by thereandfatagain
If Abby & Bimbos is still around they have great food. Their Stromboli is amazing.
thunderGunXprezz t1_j1xncii wrote
Reply to comment by thereandfatagain in Unique Pittsburgh Pizza by thereandfatagain
It always reminded me of the $1 frozen "party pizza" from the dollar store lol.
thunderGunXprezz t1_j1xn9d1 wrote
Reply to comment by sauceboss412 in Unique Pittsburgh Pizza by thereandfatagain
A 12in 8-cut is $14 bucks. It's been $14 bucks since I was ordering it in high-school 20 years ago. What are you talking about?
For comparison, from Caliente:
Sm: 18.99 Med: 20.99 Pan: 24.99 Lg: 24.99 X-Lg: 26.99
thunderGunXprezz t1_j1xmt13 wrote
Reply to Unique Pittsburgh Pizza by thereandfatagain
Frank's Buffalo Chicken pizza gets my vote. It's not necessarily a unique idea, most places have it. But they absolutely knock it out of the park. It's also relatively cheap considering most place's Buffalo Chicken pizza falls into their "Gourmet Pizza" bucket, which usually means $25 for an 8-cut pie. Also worth noting that the rest of Frank's menu is pretty blah, but if you're looking for a life-changing Buff Chix this is definitely it.
Second in my mind is Monte Cello's Steak Onion Ranch pizza. These are easily the last 2 pizzas I'd want to eat if the world was coming to an end.
thunderGunXprezz t1_j1t02kc wrote
Reply to comment by IrrumaboMalum in The Appalachian trail, and the bunkers. Crazy PA stuff too by xWhiteRYNOx
Ya I mean it was mostly a cheap shot. I'm not about to get into an argument over it, mostly because I don't care either way. At this point I'm mostly concerned that OP didn't have a stroke while writing this post.
thunderGunXprezz t1_j1szahm wrote
Reply to comment by PierogiPowered in Is there a new Tesla dealership by the Carvana and Topgolf in Bridgeville? by 123isausernameforme
Gotta be tough for used car dealers now. I dont have any personal experience with carvana, but my 2 current vehicles were both purchased within a year of eachother from CarSense before they became Carshop. I have no complaints. Both were great deals especially considering used car prices these days. I've looked around just trying to think ahead in case one of ours shits the bed and it's ridiculous how much I'd have to spend just to replace one. They're asking upwards of $5k more than we spent 3 or 4 years ago to literally get the same thing we have now at the same mileage which is around 80k.
thunderGunXprezz t1_j1sypxm wrote
Reply to comment by IrrumaboMalum in The Appalachian trail, and the bunkers. Crazy PA stuff too by xWhiteRYNOx
Well for one, it's not West Virginia.
thunderGunXprezz t1_j1sya5h wrote
Reply to comment by IrrumaboMalum in The Appalachian trail, and the bunkers. Crazy PA stuff too by xWhiteRYNOx
Mothman migrates north sometimes too.
thunderGunXprezz t1_j7x7824 wrote
Reply to comment by mr_r_smith in What is there to do with a 6y/o Friday night? by SnooMarzipans3516
I have taken my son a few times, probably on a Friday or Saturday. It was amazing to see the transition from the time I entered (like 5 or 6 pm) to when we left around 9 or 10. I immediately saw my former asshole self in every jack ass we encountered walking back to where we parked.
On a lighter note, an excellent alternative is Pinnball Perfection in Westview.