
tickleyourfanny t1_jae15hf wrote

> Yesterday, the therapist I am going to mentioned that my SO is the one that maybe needs therapy too. And is treating me unfairly by making me be extremely tough on myself, changing the perception that I have of myself.

there is your answer right there.

> don't feel safe in this relationship anymore, at the same time I don't know how to go from here. Or even how to end it.

"hey, its over..have a nice life"'..then you block the person and move on with life...no need to send me any reply back with endless reasons why you can't do this.


tickleyourfanny t1_j6ltjbe wrote

> (Ukraine wants to bomb Moscow and has advocated for a Nuclear strike on Moscow).

would that be the same ukraine that gave up nukes for regional security. The same one that gave up nukes so that countries including RUSSIA would guarantee its security?

where do you get your ideas from on why Russia would finally use nukes..All 'the wests' fault right comrade?


tickleyourfanny t1_j6j6fqp wrote

>“What is the goal? Disintegration of Russia, change of the government? There is also talk of tearing Russia apart. This is mad,” he said.

I believe the goal is to get russia to stop invading ukraine and withdraw its troops. Sure the war would possibly be over sooner if no nations provided support. Just like if russia invaded Croatia, the war would be over pretty quick if no nations provided support for Croatia. The ultimate goal should be to remove billionaire dictators from ruling countries for personal profit.


tickleyourfanny t1_j6ego4r wrote

Oh I see. I am POS because I put a quote up? never claimed it was my own...guess what? years ago I fought the very battle, in the very land we are referencing. I doubt very much all you keyboard warriors and people claiming 'no empathy' have done anything but whine and cry online.. You know what I still believe? that the people of their country need to rise up and solve their own problems. That outside forces cant always come in and solve it for them.

you want to try again on why someone is a POS? putting up a quote wont cut it.


tickleyourfanny t1_j6e9q38 wrote

go ahead and expound on why I am a POS..I would love to heat the logic...does it go along the lines of "I should rush over to Afghanistan and fight those peoples fight for them?" fell free to elaborate cuz there are endless people oppressed the world over and if you are thinking those lines then you should be the one fighting everyones battles the world over.


tickleyourfanny t1_j6e8v9q wrote

so it is disgusting to take pride in the fact that I am no longer bound by religious zealotry? And it is non empathetic to say that the people being enslaved need to rise up and overthrow their oppressors..any other insights you want to lend cuz I would love to hear them.

on a side note, you have so much empathy why aren't you over in Afghanistan fighting for them? instead you are here personally insulting me. be the change you want to make, go join the fight my man.


tickleyourfanny t1_j6c7hhc wrote

Since I am not a woman in Afghanistan, I dont need to do anything more than talk about it. That is up to them to decide their and their childrern's destiny. My ancestors rose up long ago and unshackled themselves from religious prosecution, they continue to fight today to keep their freedoms and perhaps soon my generation will rise up and unshackle themselves from their other oppressors as well.


tickleyourfanny t1_ixtmewt wrote

Their reparations are to be shipped to wherever the Chinese government needs cheap field work. They are then Free to do whatever they want with that 1500 yuan monthly salary, after of course they have paid for their 2000 yuan monthly bills.