tickleyourfanny t1_iuikdmh wrote
Reply to comment by Sufficient_Throat_37 in He called her sexy, Is my dumb overthinking justified? by Sufficient_Throat_37
its only obvious to you...How about you post a pic of your gf in her costume. Cuz frankly some women dress up sexy for halloween, so he would just be stating the facts. You're a guy though, so guess what? you already know he wants to mash your girlfriends inside with his giant penis.
You know who would know if anything is going on between them? not the internet who doesn't know either of them, but the two of them. So why dont you ask your GF. You have a relationship built on mutual trust and honesty right? lol
tickleyourfanny t1_iuiid5r wrote
What overthinking? You are making a statement, stating what happened. Your gf guy friend called her a 'sexy ass pumpkin'....there is no thinking there, that is something that happened. Now if you are thinking that it means he wants to bend that pumpkin over and mash the insides with his penis, then that is the thinking part. But you aren't saying that, you are just stating what was said, which is just a fact.
tickleyourfanny t1_iuiluch wrote
Reply to comment by JMRDALLAS in He called her sexy, Is my dumb overthinking justified? by Sufficient_Throat_37
hey lookie a comment troll, clamoring for attention..in this sub? no I don't believe it.
>JMRTEXAS u/JMRDALLAS 74 Karma 1 Post Karma 73 Comment Karma 2 years ago Joined Jul 29, 2020
go crawl back under the bridge.