timmyboyoyo t1_j2fnzpm wrote
Reply to comment by EasyBOven in Noone uses the number 7 key on microwaves by [deleted]
Cover with special microwave cover?
timmyboyoyo t1_j2fnpm7 wrote
Reply to comment by EasyBOven in Noone uses the number 7 key on microwaves by [deleted]
Which foods, expert Oven?
timmyboyoyo t1_j2ctgbs wrote
Reply to TIL When you open your eyes in a prefectly dark room you don't see black, but " eigengrau ", a shafe of grey by mic3ttaa
The prefects checking if your eyes are open
timmyboyoyo t1_j2ccniz wrote
Reply to comment by PreschoolBoole in A bagel with creamed cheese is technically a grilled cheese sandwich by iunnolol
Try it grilled
timmyboyoyo t1_j2c39k3 wrote
Reply to comment by Artichoke19 in There’s more Jurassic Park films with ‘World’ in the title than ‘Park’ by Artichoke19
And 3 of 6 have park
timmyboyoyo t1_j2bmva2 wrote
Reply to comment by UserLevelOver9000 in LPT simplest formula for career success: make sure your boss looks good to their boss. by jursla
What kind of job is that
timmyboyoyo t1_j2b8zon wrote
Reply to comment by appollyon_11 in LPT, always be present where you are by [deleted]
From a video game it just something I guess that part of the game and it has some quotes, other commenter was not present but thinking of the game :-)
timmyboyoyo t1_j2b4q1f wrote
Reply to There is poverty because a lot of money goes to those who can kick the ball instead of the needy by DepartureAcademic807
You don't want money going to people who kick the needy, but too many times money does go to already rich people who kick the needy....
timmyboyoyo t1_j23vk5g wrote
Reply to comment by recjus85 in LPT: To get a playing card off a table, don't use your nails. Press your thumb on the corner and lift it. Works every time by [deleted]
Use another finger as thumb
timmyboyoyo t1_j20646n wrote
Reply to comment by CourageOld838 in LPT request: tips on clearing mucus from throat. by natnatnat1995
You just need good old courage!
timmyboyoyo t1_j1x8s5p wrote
Reply to comment by World_Wide_Deb in LPT: record the daily mundane things your family members/pets do that make you smile. by [deleted]
timmyboyoyo t1_j1wy6fp wrote
Reply to comment by World_Wide_Deb in LPT: record the daily mundane things your family members/pets do that make you smile. by [deleted]
How you record it?
timmyboyoyo t1_j1mji3g wrote
timmyboyoyo t1_j1m5nxq wrote
Reply to comment by yParticle in LPT: When low on funds for Christmas gifts for kids. by Boredandsleeps
You would get to 160?
timmyboyoyo t1_j1ivame wrote
Reply to comment by Kyrrdis in LPT: Change the way you do gifts on Christmas morning to make it more about giving than getting by dallassoxfan
Ok is different if you don't feel as comfortable around them all, hope they learn to stop shunning, but if they do they don't deserve "gift" from you
timmyboyoyo t1_j1imuny wrote
Reply to comment by Kyrrdis in LPT: Change the way you do gifts on Christmas morning to make it more about giving than getting by dallassoxfan
Why increase stress? Don't you know why you got some things for some people? Do you like them and feel comfortable?
timmyboyoyo t1_j1imo5k wrote
Reply to comment by kiffens in LPT: Change the way you do gifts on Christmas morning to make it more about giving than getting by dallassoxfan
But you are wearing a bunch of scout badges... And have faces on your shoes...
timmyboyoyo t1_j1hzy1p wrote
Reply to comment by NutInsideMeBruh in LPT: On the internet try to be as brief as possible to convey your message by MickJof
timmyboyoyo t1_j1eajjh wrote
timmyboyoyo t1_j0aiu4w wrote
Reply to comment by grinch1225 in TIL: Extra organs and body parts are more common than many people realise with extra nipples and teeth among the most common. by unswsydney
Many people have
timmyboyoyo t1_iyeck1l wrote
Reply to LPT Request: breaking in Doc Martens by SJ-gryff
Just don't break them or eat them
timmyboyoyo t1_iye6n5a wrote
Did you try this LPT?
timmyboyoyo t1_iy5qbpj wrote
Reply to comment by GooJai in LPT: Always buy more tiles than you will use and keep the spears. by sojuz151
Sound fun game
timmyboyoyo t1_iy58say wrote
Reply to comment by TheMrDrB in LPT: Always buy more tiles than you will use and keep the spears. by sojuz151
timmyboyoyo t1_j2fo8jy wrote
Reply to comment by EasyBOven in Noone uses the number 7 key on microwaves by [deleted]
Thank! Now cooking will be easy