
tjkrtjkr t1_j1bkz5f wrote

The way you talked about his prescription and needing it, yeah. He's prescribed Adderall a controlled medication, and yet y'all are saying he deserves to have it. Also, we were specifically talking about his prescription to Adderall, unless you've changed your tune on that. Nah bro, he lost that right when he defrauded all those investors.


tjkrtjkr t1_j12e584 wrote

Yet again, it's a scheduled medication with high abuse potential. If you feel so strongly about it, go petition the BOP for that category of medications to be used as front line treatments.

Edit: To add to this, he was using multiple medications that are questionable together while FTX was defrauding it's investors. I'd love to know from the many commenters about how this helped his "impulsivity" in the slightest. Seriously insane thought process.


tjkrtjkr t1_j12b0k7 wrote

You're talking about a controlled substance, in a jail where an average person won't get that treatment. But go ahead, keep making it seem like ADHD is some life threatening condition where he needs his Adderall. God forbid he gets prescribed a medication that's not a stimulant, y'all would have a hissy fit.


tjkrtjkr t1_j0wh1m8 wrote

I agree, effects do differ from person to person. When you go to prison/jail though, you give up your right to these helpful medications. Why should sbf be treated differently than any other prisoner there?

Edit: Yet again, prisons don't allow stimulant medications, period. When he goes to prison, he most certainly will not be treated any differently than other prisoners, and he won't have stimulants.
