
tkmorgan76 t1_j3yg4bs wrote

I'm hoping my OG Quest can survive until the Quest 3 is announced. One controller already has a cracked ring being held together with superglue, but I don't want to buy an OQ2 only to have Meta abandon it twelve months from now.

Edit: I'm curious about the down votes, considering Meta's precedent on the subject.


tkmorgan76 t1_j3xefvi wrote

I have one. Bought it in January of 2020, and I still use it.

It's pretty crappy that they stopped producing replacement hardware just a little over a year after it came out. As for the part about discontinuing updates, I think I prefer that. The alternative is that they keep pushing features made for the OQ2 until the OQ1 can no longer run the games that worked three years ago.