
tmaenadw t1_ix8z9ej wrote

Not speculating, I have read it in several articles. This one mentions it, along with the fact that our strict immigration requirements are driving students elsewhere.

We do have more gun violence than a lot of other countries, that’s just a fact, and when sending your kid away from home for school, impressions count as much as anything. (We are in the top 10 countries for gun deaths). America loves it’s guns, they are likely not going anywhere, and as a country we seem to idolize them above almost everything else.


tmaenadw t1_ix83l83 wrote

There is one aspect they don’t mention here, and that is international students. That enrollment has been dropping precariously with the pandemic and the explosion of gun violence in this country. We are not seen as a safe place to send your kids.

In recent years we have seen “expertise” come under attack. While it’s true that there is limited need for PhD candidates in literature and women’s studies, if these disappear, we will be the poorer for it. I say this as a STEM major (BS in Applied Mathematics), married to a research physician, with a daughter who is currently in PA working on her MD/PhD. Our other child is trying to get into the trades, and is currently working one of the referenced warehouse jobs. While it is true that colleges expanded beyond what they should have, a future driven by the enrollment of athletes in majors motivated only by potential salaries will be a sad place. I hope that Pennsylvanians will find a way to keep higher education access for those who want it, and not just those with deep pockets.


tmaenadw t1_iuwvz2b wrote

I grew up in the 1970’s during the energy crisis. Everyone stopped putting up lights at holidays. Parents yelled about lights and heating. My dad had to wake my brother up early to help take cars to gas station as you could only fill up on certain days and you had to go early. That was OPEC caused.