toastyhoodie t1_j9fxe2l wrote
Reply to Moondrop chu + Dolby atmos by [deleted]
You need to make sure spatial is turned on in settings
toastyhoodie t1_j98bse6 wrote
Reply to Are foam ear tips better? by gamer20088
It depends. For my main wireless buds I can only get a seal with foam. But my iEMs, I actually enjoy the silicone.
toastyhoodie t1_j9142fu wrote
Reply to comment by pstrib in How much better does sound get than what I'm currently using? by pstrib
Would a $50 IEM be 90% there?
No. Not even close.
There are different styles, like open back vs closed back. Different tunings. Different materials. Etc.
Do you need to spend 1000’s more? No. But you have a very V shaped tuned IEM that doesn’t have much in the way of technicalities. Other headphones will be tuned differently and will sound different.
A Sennheiser HE-1 which is considered the “worlds best headphone”, is going to be miles better. (It’s $50,000 though). You don’t need that though.
You’ll notice significant differences with something as simple as an open back. You can get into one of those for less than $100.
Ultimately you have a starting point. But yes, it does improve from there.
toastyhoodie t1_j6j30ug wrote
Reply to Why does my iPhone 11 feel sluggish? by myself_diff
It’s literally running at 60hz, so yeah it feels choppy.
toastyhoodie t1_j63qe5z wrote
Reply to Salnotes Zero eartips by ABSTR4KT_133
toastyhoodie t1_j6026m4 wrote
Reply to Anyone know of a good video editing app for iPhone that is capable of blurring people / objects for vlogging? by paulrudder
Lumafusion is amazing
toastyhoodie t1_j5t5897 wrote
Reply to What do you think of this combo? by KentakoongMusic
It’s fine. Grado doesn’t need much power so it’ll give you what you need.
toastyhoodie t1_j5prv2v wrote
Reply to What do you do while listening to music? by _Deh
Play video games sometimes
toastyhoodie t1_j3cr57b wrote
Reply to Great deal if you’re brave enough by Tanachip
Here’s the Whois
Usually these sites aren’t around for years like this.
toastyhoodie t1_j2fgrnh wrote
Reply to comment by pavoid in Used Headphones. Do you replace components, even if everything is in fair condition?🏷️ by pavoid
Depends on the fabric.
Dawn dish soap and a toothbrush works wonders
toastyhoodie t1_j2ffxwg wrote
Reply to Used Headphones. Do you replace components, even if everything is in fair condition?🏷️ by pavoid
Depends. Most of the time headbands and pads are worn out on used ones. I have gotten some used in great shape that I’ve just cleaned and been fine with.
toastyhoodie t1_j2f1mht wrote
Wow, that’s end game territory in one purchase! Nice!
toastyhoodie t1_j2evfq0 wrote
Reply to Does anyone keep their over-ear headphones in a backpack, if so is carrying pouch or hard case preferred? by Coylethird
I have my Bathys with me in my backpack. In their case of course.
toastyhoodie t1_j2dg6fw wrote
Reply to iPhone 13 ‘jailbreak’? by Intrepid_Gift_9436
When my wife’s 8 Plus got stolen, I marked it as stolen, and locked it. What that’ll do, is if someone attempts to connect it, even using the main board in another device, it’ll make the main board useless.
Wiping the device remotely removes the iCloud lock
toastyhoodie t1_j2d3u6p wrote
Reply to iPhone 8 refuses to let me use a photo for my lock screen and home screen wallpaper by Timelord53
How about opening your photo app, selecting the photo for a wallpaper, and setting it as wallpaper from there?
toastyhoodie t1_j2d28jp wrote
Dongles and amps don’t change sound signatures (save for tube amps)
toastyhoodie t1_j2acmoi wrote
Reply to Got these today! Thoughts? by silent_crow7
Definitely worth it for the price
toastyhoodie t1_j29abbo wrote
Over 30 in my collection. I have about 5 or 6 I really rotate through. Just depends on my mood or need at the time.
toastyhoodie t1_j1z9vl1 wrote
Reply to comment by Watermellow123 in Do i need and amp dac for the audio technica M50X? by Watermellow123
Mostly just allows them to get louder
toastyhoodie t1_j1z7hkj wrote
They’ll run fine off anything.
Only get one if you want the Bluetooth capability. I’d advise the Quidelix 5k over the BTR.
toastyhoodie t1_j1yvgkp wrote
Reply to Best VPN for iPhone by Otherwise_Anteater
I’ve been using Surfshark for a few years and have enjoyed that so far.
toastyhoodie t1_j1ob703 wrote
Reply to My first pair of legit over-ear wired headphones in a loooooong time. Greatly enjoying them! by YashaAstora
> Apparently a bunch of people on here hate them but I can’t figure out why other than weird elitism.
Not a great thing to say if you wanna make friends here.
Wade has a preference, and he likes treble. which is fine. These are objectively far from balanced and have very uncomfortable treble and sibilance (pronounced “s” sounds). They do staging and imaging ok.
They’re fine with some EQ, (I even have better pads on mine) but there are fine options that even Wade has recommended in the same price range as well.
So it isn’t elitsm, its learned knowledge. This is a very subjective hobby and we all have different tastes.
toastyhoodie t1_j1ntt05 wrote
Reply to Dynamic island tips? by cpalen3
Pixel pal, music controls when I’m on Reddit, navigation, “Hit The Island” game, timers, Carrot.
toastyhoodie t1_j1kgciy wrote
Reply to Koss Porta Pro Comfort Zone Switch? by jmcg0192
It’ll angle the drivers tighter or more outward on your head.
toastyhoodie t1_j9g09tv wrote
Reply to comment by NescafeWonda in Moondrop chu + Dolby atmos by [deleted]
You don’t.