todareistobmore t1_j10nwqt wrote
Reply to comment by benoben17 in Is it just me or is Baltimore a bad city for late night food? by word_vomiter
imagining trying to explain why Nick Mosby is so corrupt to somebody moving from a province run by Doug Ford
todareistobmore t1_j10jtxd wrote
Reply to comment by strewnshank in Is it just me or is Baltimore a bad city for late night food? by word_vomiter
Paper moon hasn't been 24 hours in at least 10 years, and IIRC they'd even stopped staying open til 3am before the pandemic. They're not open late even for a regular dinner shift anymore, though.
todareistobmore t1_j0z5ljy wrote
Reply to comment by DemonDeke in Sad State of The Block by Cute_Log4378
If you serve on a trial that runs more than three days, you're exempt for 5 years.
todareistobmore t1_j0hngkn wrote
Reply to comment by DfcukinLite in Why isn't there red light cameras on every single intersection? by canipetyourdog420
Sure, but it looks like nobody's enforcing those illegal strikes--almost every day I see at least one parked car with bad paper tags or a heavily tinted plate cover, and those should be immediately bootable by DOT. This isn't even specifically a Baltimore thing, there's been plenty written about it in Philly/NYC too, especially over the last couple of years.
FWIW, I'm not against more cameras (I walk and bike more than I drive, and I drive with that in mind), I just don't think they'll hit the most flagrantly bad drivers we see in the city these days.
todareistobmore t1_j0hk55e wrote
Reply to comment by Ritaontherocksnosalt in The $19 difference: See how prices vary at 10 grocery stores by Ritaontherocksnosalt
Reddit prompts you to submit as a link or as a text post--if you submit as a link, it's the website link that appears in the sub feed with no text in the post, if you submit as text, you can put the link in the text, but in r/baltimore, the thread title link is to the thread itself (also, that's why there's no automod comment about the banner's paywall).
Also, z3 linked the duplicate post but yours was first, which is why the other was locked.
todareistobmore t1_j0hhl6v wrote
Reply to comment by DfcukinLite in Why isn't there red light cameras on every single intersection? by canipetyourdog420
Unless/until there's more of an effort to crack down on people using obviously bad/hidden tags, I think the main thing you'd expect to see from any big traffic camera effort is more bad/hidden tags.
todareistobmore t1_izpv0el wrote
Reply to comment by instantcoffee69 in Baltimore rail transit lines vs. population density by Left-Indication
> Let's not forget: light rail was meant for people from the suburbs to get into the city and back out. Not for intra-city travel.
Not really, it was just made for a few specific uses (stadiums, State Center, BWI) rather than general reliance, same as the subway.
todareistobmore t1_izbe6lz wrote
Reply to comment by sxswnxnw in Place to buy imported butter in Baltimore? by rob-cubed
I think Kerrygold at Trader Joe's tends to be the cheapest Euro butter I've seen. I haven't ever noticed anything more compelling at Wegmans and tbh I don't really ever go to Aldi or Lidl so can't speak for them.
Costco also sells Kerrygold, but IIRC their price isn't better than a supermarket sale price.
todareistobmore t1_iz9y43e wrote
Reply to Place to buy imported butter in Baltimore? by rob-cubed
Wine Source carries Isigny St. Mere. DiPasquale's does too as well as (IIRC) an Italian butter from Parma whose name escapes me. Skeptical that anybody carries Bordier in the city bc I don't think they make remotely near enough for wide US distribution.
todareistobmore t1_iz3nt67 wrote
Reply to comment by CaptainObvious110 in Method for dealing with cat overpopulation raises concerns among some by Charm_city_love
Not more aggressive. Rats without toxo are scared of the smell of cat urine, rats with toxo are drawn to it.
todareistobmore t1_iz3np49 wrote
Reply to comment by yeaughourdt in Method for dealing with cat overpopulation raises concerns among some by Charm_city_love
> cows, goats, etc can pick up toxoplasmosis from the soil and pass it to you
Sure, but this is true in exactly the same way and exactly to the same extent as e. coli is spread.
todareistobmore t1_iyxg9ua wrote
Reply to comment by Timmah_1984 in Hopkins and BPD sign operating agreement, paving the way for the hiring of private police force by NarutoIvy
> It’s not normal to live your life expecting to be carjacked, mugged or assaulted.
Given that basically everybody at JHU now grew up in the active shooter drill era, I think it could be enlightening if you paid a visit and tried to share your thoughts on normalcy in this regard.
todareistobmore t1_iywwbu8 wrote
Reply to comment by paddlebawler in Hopkins and BPD sign operating agreement, paving the way for the hiring of private police force by NarutoIvy
> I worked on the Homewood campus for four years.
in what decade?
todareistobmore t1_iynimd8 wrote
Reply to comment by pk10534 in Is the Metro subway dying? by Rubysdad1975
It's not so much that Baltimore has such a large percentage of public employees, but rather that so much of our subway's pre-pandemic usage was specifically about commuting, whether to Hopkins or Charles Center or State Center or Owings Mills.
The thing about DC or Chicago or NYC is that the subway's something you take to get around the city that also takes you to work. Ours was only ever really built for the second part, and without that you're basically left with a train that connects Lexington Market to parts of East and NW Baltimore.
todareistobmore t1_iyncmjk wrote
Reply to comment by pk10534 in Is the Metro subway dying? by Rubysdad1975
DC has a subway system, Baltimore has a subway line. I feel like most of the people who can't understand the difference have never really used the Baltimore subway--which is great for what it is, but also goes to very few places most people need to get to.
todareistobmore t1_iyl040p wrote
Reply to comment by buckeyebaby in Why are we not even discussing recalling Nick Mosby? by buckeyebaby
> it was a pretty grassroots movement
> In an interview with Chronicle reporters on Monday, Jenkins said she was paid $153,000 for her consulting work with the 501(c)(3) nonprofit Neighbors for a Better San Francisco. [...]
> The nonprofit is connected to the similarly named 501(c)(4) organization Neighbors for a Better San Francisco Advocacy, a political organization that spent millions on the effort to unseat Boudin in June. The two groups share the same address and a board member, William Oberndorf, a right-of-center San Francisco billionaire who helped bankroll the recall.
todareistobmore t1_iyjj2yr wrote
Reply to comment by DONNIENARC0 in We could certainly do better... by spaceribs
Baltimore has a much higher percentage of people who don't own cars than any of those cities (here are 2015 numbers, at least). Some of it's density but a lot of it's poverty.
todareistobmore t1_iye89i9 wrote
Reply to Tenant/sexual harassment situation by [deleted]
If you've already called 911 about this and your landlord is aware that this person is living in your building (whether or not he's on a lease), I'd think about what your preferred resolution is here, because it sounds like either you should move or this couple should. It's possible that a peace order will be helpful in this, but I wouldn't look at it as a solution in and of itself.
todareistobmore t1_iye2tun wrote
Reply to comment by moderndukes in Baltimore City Board of Ethics says new pension bill presents conflict of interest by contra_account
Agree by and large, but re: (2) this bill doesn't change the pension payout, just when people become eligible for it.
todareistobmore t1_iydmy1b wrote
Reply to comment by AttisofAssyria in MVA Inspection Nightmare by ComprehensiveGear208
No, but it's the purchase experience that's the nightmare, not the inspection/registration. Annual inspections like they make you do in NY are their own sort of annoyance, but they help prevent this sort of thing.
todareistobmore t1_iydiux1 wrote
Reply to Baltimore City Board of Ethics says new pension bill presents conflict of interest by contra_account
> The group People for Elected Accountability and Civic Engagement described the bill as "brazen greed, corruption, and self-serving."
It's cool as hell [edit: /s] that the Republican candidate for CC Pres in 2020 is now a nonpartisan group to be quoted in news articles.
todareistobmore t1_iy917q7 wrote
A travel mug/insulated bottle of something warm is always pleasant. Hot toddies were always my go-to, but mulled cider or wine are also nice.
todareistobmore t1_iy52jw3 wrote
Reply to comment by PleaseBmoreCharming in Elon Musk’s Boring Company Ghosts Cities Across America by bmore
Hogan wasn't even getting duped, he cared more about the photo op and the headline than any such system (like this, the maglev, or anything remotely feasible) getting built.
todareistobmore t1_ixzyg04 wrote
Reply to comment by 2468975 in Pension for Baltimore City council members by 2468975
> Whereas, in the instance of city council members, they are going to receive their full pension after 8 years of service and will receive it immediately, rather than only after turning 65 years old.
Well, no. Neither full pension at 8 years or immediately. But also a big thing you seem to be overlooking is the number of people this affects--it's likely in the dozens, max. In total cost terms, it's a rounding error.
todareistobmore t1_j11huci wrote
Reply to comment by LurkerOrHydralisk in Is it just me or is Baltimore a bad city for late night food? by word_vomiter
Never great, just largely generic sysco IIRC. Though it's a few blocks from my house I haven't bothered going since they cut their hours the first time.