
tonka737 t1_iwzlbp6 wrote

Parking fines are barely meant as deterrent and are sometimes made/structured as a means of generating revenue off of citizens.

For example, ASP is a crock of shit. If its okay to clean streets once a week in the Bronx or Brooklyn why are certain residential areas in Manhattan set to be cleaned twice a week? It's one thing if its downtown Manhattan where there is a lot of foot traffic and therefore litter but certain parts of upper Manhattan seem like a meal ticket for the city. That and sanitation doesn't pull through somedays but won't cancel ASP and ticket you anyway even though they can and do cancel ASP for other reasons.

That's just one example. Pretty sure there are plenty of other examples where the city targets groups they feel they can get money from.

EDIT: Another example is ticketing quotas/BS tickets ppl are given but choose to pay because the opportunity cost of fighting the ticket is more than going to work.
