
tony_boxacannoli t1_j2d9x7o wrote

I was curious about how many vinyl shops were still out there. The list I posted was just the first website that popped up - I have no idea how current or accurate it is.

It was not meant as a snarky "let me google that for you" comment...and it looks like some folks may have taken it that way. πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

I also discovered Bleeker Bob's in the Village has been closed for quite some time...I don't know where OP is - that would have been one of my 1st stops...but Bobs dead πŸ’€ and the storefront is now a sushi place.


tony_boxacannoli t1_j2alu19 wrote

>I also don’t see why spending another $100 month, especially when my pay is set to increase regularly is a problem.

It's a huge's called life-style creep - the more you make, the more you thing you know, 8 pay increases have happened and you don't know what happened to your money because it's "only $100".

the problem is not in spending the money - it's the perception that it's only a little bit. That little bit, compounded over the next few years is substantial. Now what was once only $100 extra rent...becomes $400 going to rent increases, Starbucks, BEC w/SPK everyday, a round for the crew on friday, etc.

I'm going to assume you are in an apprenticeship program with the trades at somewhere in the about 40%-60% journeyman rate (if I'm wrong - correct me).

Apprentices "always" labor is always in demand - is the work picture guaranteed after you top out in the next few years?