tossawayintheend t1_ixhqkvi wrote
Reply to comment by Formal_Coyote_5004 in Looking to travel up from SW Florida with my family in January. What would be the best ski resorts for family? Our kids are 2,4 and 8 and never ski before. Looking to ski and tub. by Deep_Echidna1306
And it's $30 just to park on weekends!
Stuck Fowe
tossawayintheend t1_ivykzaj wrote
Reply to comment by HomeOnTheMountain_ in Election Results - Top 5 Angry Eagle Voting Towns vs Top 5 Welch's Grapes Towns by HomeOnTheMountain_
Yeah, small numbers can make % misleading. I deal with that fairly regularly in my job.
tossawayintheend t1_ivykiic wrote
Reply to air traffic in southern Vermont by Legal-Ad8308
I'm pretty sure the Massachusetts Air Guard flies F15s so that might be what you're hearing. It wouldn't surprise me if they made it up to southern VT once in a while.
tossawayintheend t1_iv24ch0 wrote
Reply to comment by mitchnmurray in Is it just me or do 50% of people always drive high beams on? by aspiringharlequin
And cars are just a lot bigger. I avoid driving my Miata at night because every other car's headlights are at my eye level and it's blinding.
tossawayintheend t1_iuw7ybs wrote
No billboards
tossawayintheend OP t1_iut8bw2 wrote
Reply to comment by Effinehright in VT bottle/can deposit? by tossawayintheend
Are you suggesting I should save the box they came in and return them in that same box? That's gonna be a no for me dawg.
What I'm suggesting is if you can buy it at a gas station or a grocery store, then it should be the same deposit as everything else you can buy at those places, irrespective of what kind of alcohol is in it.
tossawayintheend OP t1_iusbyk2 wrote
Reply to comment by MarkVII88 in VT bottle/can deposit? by tossawayintheend
Yeah, I'm not worried about onesie-twosie things, I'm talking about a whole bag full of vodka hard seltzer cans. You're damn right I want those counted at $0.15 each.
tossawayintheend t1_iup2tb8 wrote
Reply to comment by 1DollarOr1Million in Officials Want Ideas for Keeping Trucks Out of Smugglers' Notch by Distinguished_Parrot
From the Jeffersonville side they can probably turn around in Smugg's upper lots, not sure about the Stowe side.
tossawayintheend t1_iuod838 wrote
I read somewhere, possibly on here, that a lot of it is because truckers think the signs are just a ruse by Stowe townies to keep big trucks out.
tossawayintheend t1_iu90eya wrote
Reply to Halloween festivities by VanBanSargent
Winooski Pumpkin Festival
tossawayintheend t1_ituh5z7 wrote
Reply to comment by switchstyle in M&T Bank by quinnbeast
We've had checks come back as "Account Closed" even though they told us multiple times the People's Routing number was still valid.
Not a good look for a business trying to pay vendors and partners.
tossawayintheend t1_itufwza wrote
Reply to comment by HackerKayaker in M&T Bank by quinnbeast
I can't dispute that, but it was my understanding eTreasury was a third party system that People's licensed.
So yeah, M&T may have spent a higher percentage of their budget building their steaming pile of garbage, but if the total budget was less than what People's paid for eTreasury then the percentage spent is irrelevant.
Note: this isn't directed at you, just venting and sharing my experience.
tossawayintheend t1_itpyksb wrote
Reply to M&T Bank by quinnbeast
We're a corporate customer and their Treasury Center website is HORRIBLE.
tossawayintheend t1_itpslq9 wrote
Reply to comment by cdrknives in Thoughts on Bennington college? by Complex_Flatworm7399
Lots of now famous people went to Bennington. Bret Easton Ellis is another one.
Edit: "The Rules of Attraction" is loosely based on his time there.
tossawayintheend t1_isa8f0j wrote
Reply to Best bank ? by [deleted]
I like Northfield Savings Bank. Locally owned and they have some pretty good CD rates right now.
tossawayintheend t1_irmrnyv wrote
Also have a Golf Sportwagen 4mo (not an Alltrack) and I'm about to do my second set of rear rotors in 5 years (< 30k miles) because I "don't drive enough" and they rust. Super annoying.
tossawayintheend t1_ixqghjb wrote
Reply to comment by ggtffhhhjhg in Vermont dating reddit by Prudent_Mobile_9721
Or old enough to date single moms