tracymartel_atemyson t1_jcy48zc wrote
lmao that scene traumatized me for years
tracymartel_atemyson t1_jaec05n wrote
have you talked to the mom respectfully directly? she probably doesn’t know the severity of how her kids act because i’m willing to bet the landlord sent a generic “your neighbors say there is noise coming from your apartment please correct this or blah blah blah”
from experience, and in my opinion the worst thing you can do is call the police. depending on your town, they’re most likely not trained on how to handle children on the spectrum and could create a life threatening situation for the child(ren).
DCYF can’t do much as there is no law in the state that says children need to be a certain age before being left unattended. they may do a site visit to make sure they’re not neglected but that is really it.
if you can, plan a move or see if the landlord has another rental that will be available soon and try to come to an agreement. yes this sucks but this isn’t a police issue, or a DCYF issue it is a landlord-tenant issue and they need to come to a resolution with the mom.
tracymartel_atemyson t1_j9rw5x0 wrote
why am I crying
tracymartel_atemyson t1_j9heo78 wrote
Reply to comment by brigdin in Massholes are moving north to NH at record levels by EgonEggnog
are you the doorless bathroom person from yesterday?
tracymartel_atemyson t1_j9ak74u wrote
Reply to comment by IntelligentMeal40 in NH c list by Royal_Gur_2651
I mean im not adding my name to the bathroom waitlist but I am also saying that there is a .1% chance this is a nice guy that doesn’t pay for water and wants to give back a little. but yes, there is however a 99.9% chance there will be a breaking news story about this one day. pros and cons lmao
tracymartel_atemyson t1_j9ahw14 wrote
Reply to comment by Patsfan618 in NH c list by Royal_Gur_2651
don’t forget to add: “once in a lifetime opportunity”
tracymartel_atemyson t1_j9agliy wrote
Reply to NH c list by Royal_Gur_2651
as a male myself this is kind of a big deal for so many reasons lmao but if they’re not a serial killer/ rapist, thief or human trafficker then good on you man for helping those down. i’m picturing there being only one chair in the apartment facing right into the open bathroom and no shower curtain
tracymartel_atemyson OP t1_j7raql9 wrote
Reply to comment by ashnod111 in what do y’all do in the winter? by tracymartel_atemyson
one may need to know magic and what a magic card tournament entails
tracymartel_atemyson OP t1_j7ralr1 wrote
Reply to comment by BlackJesus420 in what do y’all do in the winter? by tracymartel_atemyson
never would I have thought about this option but I appreciate it!
tracymartel_atemyson OP t1_j7r9sik wrote
Reply to comment by Bianrox in what do y’all do in the winter? by tracymartel_atemyson
sweet, thanks this is awesome info!
tracymartel_atemyson t1_jefldnc wrote
Reply to In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
he’s a middle of the road fiscal conservative. i’ll take him over the other crazy ones out there that are banning peoples rights and targeting children. I think he’s an okay example of NH and live free or die for now. he should consider legalizing weed because the state is really missing out on a HUGE payday. but i’m only like a year in to NH and moved from Florida so it’s refreshing here in my opinion