trethompson t1_j8090tr wrote
Reply to comment by VanillaBovine in Why Steam Deck Is One of the Most Significant PC Gaming Moments in Years by speckz
You're using just a standard cabled Xbox controller? It's odd that you aren't having any luck with it. Steam controllers aren't produced anymore so idk what prices are like on those, but I'd suggest just picking up a used Bluetooth Xbox/ps4 controller and trying it out.
trethompson t1_j7zgolh wrote
Reply to comment by VanillaBovine in Why Steam Deck Is One of the Most Significant PC Gaming Moments in Years by speckz
I'm using a DualShock 4 that I've had for years. Paired pretty easily and typically works fine. I mentioned some Bluetooth issues but I think it's just interference from other devices. The only real problem is if I'm inactive in a game for more than a few minutes the controller inputs will only work in the OS, so I have to close and reopen it. Weird bug but don't encounter it too much.
trethompson t1_j7usq7i wrote
Reply to comment by HeartlessEmpathy in Why Steam Deck Is One of the Most Significant PC Gaming Moments in Years by speckz
I have not, I'll have to give it a shot! How do you find the Bluetooth range on it? I've been having some trouble with my controller and keyboard having to sit at a weird angle in relation to where my dock is.
trethompson t1_j7ul7di wrote
Reply to comment by HeartlessEmpathy in Why Steam Deck Is One of the Most Significant PC Gaming Moments in Years by speckz
I initially preordered it for travel, as I was traveling monthly for work when preorders dropped. Didn't end up receiving it until right before moving closer to my office, so it sat collecting dust for a little while. Then some decent docks came out, and now it's doing a great job as a stand-in for a console when I want to play in the living room.
In-home remote play works 9/10 times for 1440p high settings, and when it doesn't I can still run most games local at 1080p 60fps. Forgot how much I missed couch gaming until I got this setup.
trethompson t1_jdmkutt wrote
Reply to comment by DingleBerrieIcecream in All six seasons of the FX series, “Justified”, will be coming to Disney+ in Australia and New Zealand on 12th April. by HumanOrAlien
My first watch of Justified I got halfway through and then started watching Deadwood at the same time. Both fantastic shows.