
trevor32192 t1_ja7l6sw wrote

It's blatantly obvious to anyone with a functional brain. The multi billion dollar media company is pro workers rights, or fair pay? I dont think so. "But they support democrats" democrats are right wing.


trevor32192 t1_j5o3drn wrote

It's amazing that you said all that, and none of it is true or relevant. Nothing is stopping companies from having janitors, nor forcing companies to pay someone with no experience, the same as someone with 5 years experience. There is plenty of cash in most companies to pay low wage workers. If there isnt enough money in a company to fairly compensate staff then they shouldn't be in business.


trevor32192 t1_j5mzsw4 wrote

Not worth it to anyone. There have literally been studies that show ceo impact is basically a statistical error. They basically do nothing. The only reason they are massively overpaid is because they are budies with the boards which often consists of other ceos and rich people.