Sounds like he broke up with you but wants to keep you hopeful in case he has regrets so he can return to the relationship. It’s fine to want space but stringing someone along for your own convenience is just wrong. Let him go OP you can’t make someone stay if they don’t want to and you’ll only end up hurting yourself more if you try to stop him.
Focus on yourself, it’ll work itself out in the end.
tumblingtumblweed t1_iuj83b6 wrote
Reply to My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated. by [deleted]
Sounds like he broke up with you but wants to keep you hopeful in case he has regrets so he can return to the relationship. It’s fine to want space but stringing someone along for your own convenience is just wrong. Let him go OP you can’t make someone stay if they don’t want to and you’ll only end up hurting yourself more if you try to stop him.
Focus on yourself, it’ll work itself out in the end.