twelveparsnips t1_jeddxte wrote
Reply to eli5: Who does the US owe almost 32 trillion dollars of debt too? If it’s the most powerful nation in the world, can’t it just get rid of it? by brybry0812
Because people who lent the government money want to get paid and the government has an interest in not being known as a deadbeat that doesn't pay back their loans. If the government doesn't pay back it's loans then all future debts will be at a much higher interest rate making it harder for it to borrow money in the future since people who lend the government money will be less inclined to do so in the future without the government offering a large interest rate.
twelveparsnips t1_jedb1av wrote
Reply to comment by ParanoidRecordPlayer in ELI5 if Stormy Daniels took the hush money, how was/is she able to talk about the affair? by ParanoidRecordPlayer
The same point of having any contract. You can't write into a contract terms that are illegal and have it be enforceable. A car dealership can't put into a contract they will break your kneecaps if you miss payments, but they can put into a contract if you miss x amount of payments they can repossess the car. The point of having an NDA is so that you don't spill company secrets after you leave a company. e.g. if you work for Coke and know the formula, you can't sell it to Pepsi after you quit.
twelveparsnips t1_jed29l6 wrote
Reply to eli5: Why do women only have their period/ are fertile for approximately 50 years if they’re born with millions of eggs? by MediumYoghurt3061
Because we evolved from animals that released millions of eggs in their lifetime and thousands at once. There is no evolutionary pressure for you to produce fewer eggs even though we evolved to produce very few offspring.
twelveparsnips t1_je4dgaj wrote
Reply to ELI5: How do hotel door electronic locks know your card is valid vs. cancelled if they're not talking to the front desk all the time? by kepler1
They don't need to talk to the front desk all the time. The front desk sends out a message anytime there's a change in the status of any particular key. If a new key is issued the server tells the lock the new key code. If a customer loses their key, the server deactivates that old key and issues a new code to the lock.
twelveparsnips t1_jdu4aek wrote
Oils used in frying are chosen not because they're healthier. They're chosen because they don't break down at low temperatures. This is called the smoke point; healthier oils and oils that typically have strong flavors like extra virgin olive oil or sesame oil have low smoke points. When you heat them up to the temperatures required for deep frying; EVOO has a smoke point between 350° to 400°F which is roughly the same temperature at which you deep fry things at. Peanut oil, an oil commonly used to deep fry has a smoke point of 450°F. Using the oil lowers the smoke point as it gets broken down and contaminants build up in the oil. As the oil breaks down, it creates a burnt smell and reacts with oxygen and creates harmful compounds. This is why you can't deep fry with "healthy" oil; most "healthy" oils have very low smoke points.
twelveparsnips t1_jdo1rpk wrote
Reply to comment by xoomax in ELI5: What’s car alignment? I read that cars should have it done regularly as part of their service. by LittleLostSadDeer
If your car is driving straight and the tires are wearing evenly the alignment is good or good enough. To check the alignment takes almost as much work to do the alignment because most of the work is putting on the equipment. Some cars even make the technician put a weight in the front seat to simulate the driver, so you're going to pay a shop nearly the same amount of money to just do an alignment. If there are no symptoms of a bad alignment, there really isn't a need to check it. The symptoms to look out for are the car pulling to one side or the other on the highway without input from the driver. e.g. you let go of the steering wheel and it starts drifting to the left consistently, if it pulls in a different direction every time, it could be the crown in the road. Uneven tire wear on one of the edges. e.g. your front driver's side tire's inside is worn, but the outside isn't. If the same tire has both the inside and outside worn but the middle is OK, it's a sign that you need to inflate your tires, if just the middle is worn, then you're overinflated, but if only one edge is worn, it's likely an alignment issue
twelveparsnips t1_ja6jgp2 wrote
Reply to comment by InsidiousTechnique in ELI5: Why does farming equipment require such low horsepower compared to your average car? by thetravelingsong
Resistance increases exponentially in relation to speed. Kinetic energy is 1/2 M*V^2
twelveparsnips t1_ja6dbik wrote
Reply to comment by TheJeeronian in eli5 perpetual motion is impossible but why haven't we made something that just goes on for a really long time that we then service so it can keep going? by FrozenKyrie
This would fit the description as well.
twelveparsnips t1_ja69sfx wrote
Reply to comment by FrozenKyrie in eli5 perpetual motion is impossible but why haven't we made something that just goes on for a really long time that we then service so it can keep going? by FrozenKyrie
>it's about possiblity and doing something because we can
so a neat thing to look at that serves no purpose...
twelveparsnips t1_ja69ia0 wrote
Reply to comment by FrozenKyrie in eli5 perpetual motion is impossible but why haven't we made something that just goes on for a really long time that we then service so it can keep going? by FrozenKyrie
what purpose would you want to build such a machine for?
twelveparsnips t1_ja68xpb wrote
Reply to comment by FrozenKyrie in eli5 perpetual motion is impossible but why haven't we made something that just goes on for a really long time that we then service so it can keep going? by FrozenKyrie
Because using it to power things adds drag to it and makes it eventually stop.
twelveparsnips t1_ja68j3v wrote
Reply to eli5 perpetual motion is impossible but why haven't we made something that just goes on for a really long time that we then service so it can keep going? by FrozenKyrie
Probably because there's no point in making such a machine besides a neat curiosity that would require very expensive low friction bearings. The second you acknowledge it's not a perpetual motion machine, it's no longer interesting.
twelveparsnips t1_ja5idu4 wrote
Reply to comment by Sea-Neighborhood729 in ELi5: How do those metal bits on the handles of cardio equipment measure your heart rate through your hands? by Sea-Neighborhood729
your hands have to have a bit of sweat on them to work, otherwise your skin has too much resistance to overcome.
twelveparsnips t1_ja2fzxa wrote
Reply to comment by Exciting_Telephone65 in ELI5: if you’re lactose intolerant, why does the lactose cause bowel distress instead of passing through inertly? by chemstu69
Lactase breaks down lactose into glucose and galactose which are types of sugar.
twelveparsnips t1_j9cpxmx wrote
Reply to comment by Danglebort in ELI5: What is cool whine and how can it be decreased? by ghostfreckle611
There's really nothing you can do about it. It's based on build quality and the components the manufacturer chose. Some people have had luck by putting silicone sealant into the coils, this obviously voids your warranty.
twelveparsnips OP t1_j9550co wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in 1 person dies when Tesla hits fire truck on I-680, 4 firefighters injured by twelveparsnips
This states they don't know whether or not self-driving was a cause. 19% of Teslas have FSD according to Inside EVs
twelveparsnips t1_jedvy73 wrote
Reply to comment by ParanoidRecordPlayer in ELI5 if Stormy Daniels took the hush money, how was/is she able to talk about the affair? by ParanoidRecordPlayer
How are you going to enforce the contract? Go to court and tell the court, "your honor, I illegally paid the defendant to not say anything about the crimes I committed, but she said things about the crimes I committed"? The court is there to uphold the law not to allow people to cover up infractions of the law.