tyrael459 t1_ituqdqq wrote
Reply to comment by Niebuhrs_Neighbor in An accurate debate summary from Tuesday night, despite reports stating otherwise by Edgeyville
For some of them, yea, but for a bunch I can’t support the guy. He wants abortion to be up to politicians? He wants my tax dollars to go to school choice vouchers even if a kid wants to go to a private school? He supports Trump’s bullshit tax “cut” that did absolutely nothing for a guy like me who doesn’t make trip digits?
Oz is a clown, too.
tyrael459 t1_ituq44x wrote
Reply to comment by TheTrueLordHumungous in An accurate debate summary from Tuesday night, despite reports stating otherwise by Edgeyville
“It’s drawn all the finest people.”
Some people will get that reference.
tyrael459 t1_itupwjv wrote
Reply to comment by tryingtobebetter09 in An accurate debate summary from Tuesday night, despite reports stating otherwise by Edgeyville
I hugely agree. Everyone is saying it.
tyrael459 t1_itupq1v wrote
Reply to comment by bigcountryblues in An accurate debate summary from Tuesday night, despite reports stating otherwise by Edgeyville
There have likely been quite a few stroke victims who have served in political office. You’ve probably voted for some unknowingly, same for me. It’s just in this case, this race is highly visible and his stroke was recent.
tyrael459 t1_itshulb wrote
Reply to comment by ThatGuyOutBackMUT in Wife’s ballot envelope didn’t have her return address or a bar code to identify that it was her’s by ProducePete
Yea, notification is obviously off. But it would be caught further down the line. Parts of the system aren’t perfect, for sure, but you’re being deliberately coy and broad with your language. I’ve seen your comments. You know full well it would get caught if they tried to go through with it.
tyrael459 t1_itshk0e wrote
Reply to comment by MulberryDue1179 in Wife’s ballot envelope didn’t have her return address or a bar code to identify that it was her’s by ProducePete
What do you mean? She’s a real person, so what the hell is the mystery? If it gets lost in the mail, her provisional ballot on Election Day will go through. If it makes it to the elections office and gets counted, her provisional ballot won’t go through.
Are you just being dense on purpose?
tyrael459 t1_itpy323 wrote
Reply to Bought a house with undisclosed termite infestation and damage and am now finding signs of cover up. by roughchoppedendgrain
I would think this could be an issue with your home inspector, actually. They should have some kind of insurance for things they honestly miss. That’s what you hire them for, after all.
tyrael459 t1_iti079b wrote
No way. I’m shocked.
tyrael459 t1_it9zv3a wrote
Reply to comment by kiddestructo in Bucks County Doubles Down on LGBTQ+ Youth Support with Announcement of Second Rainbow Room by Open_Veins_8
That’s the thing for me. Just live and let live.
tyrael459 t1_it9izdx wrote
Reply to comment by WookieeSteakIsChewie in You know it's bad when the "everything is rigged" guy agrees that the polls aren't rigged by ActivatedFamiliar
Yea, I’m on board with that general thought. I’m voting for him, too.
tyrael459 t1_it9bncf wrote
Reply to comment by WookieeSteakIsChewie in You know it's bad when the "everything is rigged" guy agrees that the polls aren't rigged by ActivatedFamiliar
I definitely disagree with Fetterman on some things. But Oz would further support all this abortion bullshit, education bullshit, and gun bullshit that the Republicans keep pushing even against popular opinion.
tyrael459 t1_it948nh wrote
Reply to comment by Powerful-Anywhere761 in You know it's bad when the "everything is rigged" guy agrees that the polls aren't rigged by ActivatedFamiliar
People say they don’t want elite, wealthy, famous candidates, but then vote for them all the time. I don’t know what’s up anymore lol
tyrael459 t1_it8xnyp wrote
Reply to You know it's bad when the "everything is rigged" guy agrees that the polls aren't rigged by ActivatedFamiliar
Yea I don’t know about this. Sure doesn’t feel like that on the ground. I think Oz has a decent shot. People around me seem way more willing to vote for him than Mastriano, at least.
tyrael459 t1_it7vojd wrote
Reply to comment by hashtagbob60 in Doug Mastriano is making more wild accusations about Josh Shapiro by plantman77
Anger really is intoxicating. But how long until people just get exhausted by it all? It’s so flagrantly manipulative.
tyrael459 t1_it6oc3y wrote
All of the the things Mastriano will say over the next couple weeks will definitely be true and not at all very obvious, desperate attempts to scare gullible people.
“Walk free” and all that.
tyrael459 t1_it0gsyq wrote
Reply to comment by HappilyPartnered in If Oz wins for Senate, Is there a large Muslim population in Harrisburg? Are there many halal restaurants? by HappilyPartnered
I wouldn’t hold my breath that he would be there very often. My federal rep (Meuser) is reportedly on Long Island more often than he is back home with us peasants.
tyrael459 t1_isqtm55 wrote
Reply to comment by springergirlz in In rare rebuke, two retired War College professors say Doug Mastriano is unfit to be governor by BeltfedOne
You don’t really think that, do you?
tyrael459 t1_islt536 wrote
Reply to comment by JoshuaIan in Obama praises John Fetterman as someone with whom you can 'have a normal conversation,' says the Pennsylvania Democrat has 'some sense of how the rest of America lives' by BlankVerse
You’re either not reading my posts or you’re intentionally being dense.
Of course doctors make mistakes. They make mistakes because they’re people, and people make mistakes and do “dumb shit,” as you put it. I’ve been dealing with doctors my entire life due to certain health issues. They are people just like all of us, but they are damn smart people when it comes to their fields of study, and they have my utmost respect.
Unless they turn to making insane money off vulnerable people with treatments they know don’t work, like Oz. That doesn’t make them any less smart, but it does make them cruel.
tyrael459 t1_islllet wrote
Reply to comment by JoshuaIan in Obama praises John Fetterman as someone with whom you can 'have a normal conversation,' says the Pennsylvania Democrat has 'some sense of how the rest of America lives' by BlankVerse
Yes, I do think people are smart if they become doctors. Yes, Ben Carson is a smart man, too.
But being smart doesn’t mean you’re not dumb. Or cruel. Or corrupt.
I know this is the internet, but I would recommend you put more effort into viewing the world and its people with nuance.
People aren’t the cardboard cutouts you make of them (me included). Oz was and is a smart man, smarter than you or me, I would wager. But that doesn’t preclude him from other negative characteristics.
I worry for our future when people only see in absolutes.
tyrael459 t1_islaob1 wrote
Reply to comment by StassiMae75 in Obama praises John Fetterman as someone with whom you can 'have a normal conversation,' says the Pennsylvania Democrat has 'some sense of how the rest of America lives' by BlankVerse
I’m saying that your response to me is pathetic.
You spout really negative crap about a guy’s character, but then shy away when someone calls you on it under the guise of “not caring.”
Doesn’t say much about you as a person, or at the bare minimum it doesn’t say much about how you act online.
If you’re gonna say something as consequential as Fetterman not having any contribution toward society, I had hoped you had actualreasons to believe such a thing. But apparently you’re just another person who doesn’t feel the least bit obligated to support what you say.
tyrael459 t1_iskr675 wrote
Reply to comment by StassiMae75 in Obama praises John Fetterman as someone with whom you can 'have a normal conversation,' says the Pennsylvania Democrat has 'some sense of how the rest of America lives' by BlankVerse
Wow, pathetic. Can’t back up your bullshit whatsoever.
tyrael459 t1_isk9oot wrote
Reply to comment by JoshuaIan in Obama praises John Fetterman as someone with whom you can 'have a normal conversation,' says the Pennsylvania Democrat has 'some sense of how the rest of America lives' by BlankVerse
He was a surgeon. Holy shit, can you act more partisan? Give the guy credit for what he did. He’s an absolute scumbag now, but he’s smart, and you look small for not being able to admit that.
tyrael459 t1_isjx0j4 wrote
Reply to comment by JoshuaIan in Obama praises John Fetterman as someone with whom you can 'have a normal conversation,' says the Pennsylvania Democrat has 'some sense of how the rest of America lives' by BlankVerse
Listen, if you can’t admit Oz is a smart guy, I think you have some problems.
tyrael459 t1_isjwx40 wrote
Reply to comment by delco_trash in Obama praises John Fetterman as someone with whom you can 'have a normal conversation,' says the Pennsylvania Democrat has 'some sense of how the rest of America lives' by BlankVerse
I’m not strictly talking Oz’s medical history. He’s just a smart guy. I’m not saying Fetterman isn’t.
tyrael459 t1_iuw39h3 wrote
Reply to comment by TheInnerHam in The Culture War Is Alive And Well In This Pennsylvania School District by zaraalbro
When are the kids being made to read that book?
Edit: Sorry, in reference to Genderqueer from the article.