
uberbla123 t1_iuhxuqv wrote

I still just cant get my head to understand this . In canada we had a bunch of dummys fighting for freedom by parking semis in the major cities and honking their horns non stop to try and stop the border lockdown and the covid restrictions . And nothing happened to them somehow even though they should have been bop’d with a baton in my personal opinion . But then we have other countries where a woman driving is against the law . And where a woman has no real choice of anything in her life . And i just cant understand how this is ok anywhere on this planet . I truly feel sorrow with these people . This is disgusting on a whole new level to me ):


uberbla123 t1_itd697t wrote

Man i hate that we use mice like this . But damn they have pioneered so much benefits for us as humans . I personally dont use mouse traps because where i live the average house mouse is a very low risk of giving you anything . And most of the time its only one lone mouse and weev never had an issue with more then one at a time . But i feel bad that they have suck a bad wrap and people see them as the biggest menace to society . We hate them yet their built so much like us that we study our own advances of medicine on them as a baseline . I love mice (: