
ubermeisters t1_j3ec2d3 wrote

huge same! I've literally messaged the mods probably a dozen times. I block every single user that posts this domain along with a couple other that are owned by the same interests. at this point I'm starting to think one of the mods is part of the website admin.


ubermeisters t1_j3956kp wrote

I guess my point is those things are already relatively not difficult to work out with math? like of course... I doubt anybody is out there developing a solar panel without first running a decent estimation of what they're going to get out of it...


ubermeisters t1_j38p5pp wrote

I guess I don't see any reason why an AI needs to provide an accurate prediction of a photovoltaic panels output performance. I thought those things were known variables at time of manufacturer and engineering Aren't these scientifically based principles that we are very familiar with at this point?


ubermeisters t1_izxwmcj wrote

no, it's not worth it to get the gold out. It's "worth it" to get paid by a larger company who doesn't want to deal with properly disposing/classifying/sorting of waste, but you get the gold as a bonus.


ubermeisters t1_izxoyzw wrote

Well this won't last. it's a nice idea but there's just no way that it's cheaper to recycle gold than use new. it's called funding scam. in no world is it lucrative to collect gold from used sim cards, and be profitable.


ubermeisters t1_ixacj7q wrote

Before ships had a stemhead on which to mount a figurehead, it wasn't uncommon to see the bow come to an inward point at all, however, I agree, I've never seen an actual figurehead, facing inward.

Check out a Greek Trireme for an example of an inward facing decorative feature at the tip of the bow. I suspect this is what influenced OP's subconscious and resulted in the non-sequitur formation we are discussing. These did have decorative figures on the stern, facing inward, but that is the direction of travel in the rear, and makes much better sense.


ubermeisters t1_ixabotb wrote

if you use a normal image hosting site, others wont have to actually click your link to go off-site just to look at your image, FWIW. i can't speak for others, but i'm lazy, and generally wont even bother clicking links that dont have auto-expanding image previews, like you get with imgur links etc


ubermeisters t1_iwhy17l wrote

> The base of computer chips and batteries tends to be made from unrecyclable plastic, but using skin from a certain species of mushroom instead would reduce electronic waste

..um.. so, what batteries use plastic as a main material? none that I'm aware of, they are all metal bodied, or plastic shell around metal body in more rare cases like cameras etc.