unenlightenedgoblin t1_j6p5b73 wrote
Reply to comment by 1800TurdFerguson in Anyone miss the old DC? by sg8910
It was certainly never a Chicago or New York-style ethnic patchwork. Especially historically DC had a lot of cultural influence from the US South (including, critically in the migration context and as you alluded to in New Orleans—zealous anti-Catholic sentiment. There historically are not many Catholics in the South, literally because of terrorist threats against them.)
My main point isn’t to explore in-depth how this developed, but rather to illustrate the way that explicitly-racialized patterns of poverty and privilege are much more apparent in DC, despite it being one of the nation’s most diverse. I think it also explains a lot of national political trends. I truly think most people in DC have only a superficial understanding of the extent of white poverty in the United States, and the McLean and Potomac types are just about the most privileged people in the entire world. It ain’t like that back home, or in much of the country. White people around DC will acknowledge this to some extent, but I don’t think they’re truly aware. The result is a national race and class narrative that is disproportionately influenced by the existing divides in the DMV, while simultaneously tonedeaf in terms of their own contributions toward upholding or benefitting from these inequalities.
unenlightenedgoblin t1_j6p0266 wrote
Reply to comment by 1800TurdFerguson in Anyone miss the old DC? by sg8910
I mean DC ran on slavery right up until the war, so much less of a white working class than comparable Northeast and Midwest, but it was certainly still present. Swampoodle (NoMA today) has a pretty well documented history of white working class settlement. In terms of the working class overall, large portions of the city saw the removal of small, affordable alley homes in 20th century urban renewal schemes. Not only did this erase naturally-affordable housing in dynamic, mixed-income areas, it also shifted the geography of poverty such that it became concentrated in the new top-down housing projects that were built in their place. Most of the poor whites gtfo’ed after this happened (the King riots basically closing the door completely).
I’m from the Rust Belt so it was a huge culture shock for me. The black culture in DC is richer (both financially and culturally) but otherwise not substantially different from my hometown. The white people in each city though live in completely different worlds.
unenlightenedgoblin t1_j6oar7r wrote
Reply to BIPOC Folks, be wary of Mason & Greens in Capitol Hill (a cute, sustainable grocery store) by butteredfields
White DC leads the nation in ‘talking the talk but not walking the walk.’ Only the Bay Area comes close.
unenlightenedgoblin t1_j6nrek0 wrote
Reply to Women of DC by Inferno_Crazy
Lol from experience avoid the lawyers. A litigious ex is an absolute nightmare.
unenlightenedgoblin t1_j6nr20y wrote
Reply to comment by mooncatcentral in Anyone miss the old DC? by sg8910
Your parents owned land in the right place at the right time (the profiteers of the CoL crisis). Just a guess, but your economic worldview would certainly suggest a privileged upbringing. It’s not like you’ve done anything inherently wrong, but referring to $3Mn home prices as ‘nice’ is simply the most out-of-touch thing I’ve heard in quite some time. Shows which side of $3Mn you/your family is on, the other 99% of us will never have that privilege.
unenlightenedgoblin t1_j6no36h wrote
Reply to comment by mooncatcentral in Anyone miss the old DC? by sg8910
Sorry the rest of us don’t have $3Mn laying around. But how dare I ask you to contemplate your role in this.
unenlightenedgoblin t1_j6nn2vi wrote
Reply to comment by rectalhorror in Anyone miss the old DC? by sg8910
I’ve lived in several cities and never seen a place that was as hypocritical as DC. It’s the most partisan jurisdiction in the United States, and there’s always all this high-minded rhetoric (performative), but then people are extremely reactionary to crime and homelessness. Every white person I’ve ever met in the District is a nakedly-ambitious socio-political chameleon from a comfortable upper-middle class upbringing. Like there is literally not a working class white neighborhood anywhere in the DMV. It’s caused me to resent many people here.
unenlightenedgoblin t1_j6nmbqo wrote
Reply to comment by mooncatcentral in Anyone miss the old DC? by sg8910
Houses going for $3Mn is the polar opposite of ‘nice’
The cost of living crisis is 100% exacerbating thr underlying issues of poverty, nihilism, and mental health.
unenlightenedgoblin t1_j6nkjbx wrote
Reply to Never shot a gun, want to learn (38m) by _smojface
I am a strong proponent for left-wing gun ownership. Game theory, homie.
unenlightenedgoblin t1_j6nk8jb wrote
Reply to comment by StickyRicky17 in Moving from Dallas? by [deleted]
Stay classy, bud.
unenlightenedgoblin t1_j6lglwn wrote
Reply to Moving from Dallas? by [deleted]
Fuck gated communities. We literally don’t want people like you here, stop living in fear.
unenlightenedgoblin t1_j6g2lmq wrote
Reply to Pittsburgh Public Schools plans to sue social media companies over students' mental health by greenhousecrtv
Is this a good use of taxpayer dollars?
unenlightenedgoblin t1_j66rnnw wrote
Reply to Infrastructure and Amenity Dreams by MWBartko
Trains everywhere. To the point where people would laugh at you for being unreasonable if you were to suggest driving anywhere in the metro area
unenlightenedgoblin t1_j4xblq9 wrote
Reply to comment by sadistbiker in CM Pinto introduces legislation to reduce vehicle noise, pilot noise cameras by A_Swell_Gaytheist
The answer is simple—you boot the car if tickets aren’t paid. Driving is a privilege, not a right.
unenlightenedgoblin t1_j4xbeo1 wrote
Reply to CM Pinto introduces legislation to reduce vehicle noise, pilot noise cameras by A_Swell_Gaytheist
New Yorker - Is Noise Pollution the Next Public Health Crisis?
Worth a read, with lessons from Paris (which has been incredibly innovative on reducing the disruption to urban life caused by motorists). Turns out it’s pretty bad for you to constantly be in a subconscious state of fight-or-flight almost every hour of the day.
unenlightenedgoblin OP t1_j4os91r wrote
Reply to comment by phixer00 in What happened to Chester, PA? What are its future prospects? by unenlightenedgoblin
I’ve heard that Camden, as rough as it’s gotten, is making genuine progress. Declining crime, job growth, etc. granted it’s a long uphill climb, but you at least hear about things starting to happen in Camden. I never hear anything positive about Chester
unenlightenedgoblin OP t1_j4os2js wrote
Reply to comment by TomsterTruck in What happened to Chester, PA? What are its future prospects? by unenlightenedgoblin
Fucking sad man. Those people deserve better
unenlightenedgoblin OP t1_j4odn1y wrote
Reply to comment by Wuz314159 in What happened to Chester, PA? What are its future prospects? by unenlightenedgoblin
Karachi? No.
Peshawar? Villages? I’ll take my chances in Chester
unenlightenedgoblin OP t1_j4o4v1n wrote
Reply to comment by rednib in What happened to Chester, PA? What are its future prospects? by unenlightenedgoblin
The thing is that Chester once housed the poor, the rich and everything in between. I live in Pittsburgh, I know it takes years off my life but I do it anyway. We are all stakeholders in this here commonwealth. It doesn’t have to be this way.
Especially when you consider that like 10 Mn Pakistanis would give their left nut to have a home in Chester.
unenlightenedgoblin OP t1_j4o3mw4 wrote
Reply to comment by PsychicSarahSays in What happened to Chester, PA? What are its future prospects? by unenlightenedgoblin
Thanks for your response. I had never heard of Widener before today but it sounds like they’re a real anchor in an otherwise suffering community. The potential is so clear to me, but the challenges are really intense.
unenlightenedgoblin OP t1_j4np9hi wrote
Reply to comment by mdpaoli in What happened to Chester, PA? What are its future prospects? by unenlightenedgoblin
Oh jeez exactly what that community needs
unenlightenedgoblin OP t1_j4np3tg wrote
Reply to comment by RotateTombUnduly in What happened to Chester, PA? What are its future prospects? by unenlightenedgoblin
Yeah I knew about the enormous refinery complex next door in Marcus Hook, but wasn’t aware of the incinerator. Definitely isn’t helping matters. Does Chester at least get some money out of it? Are any civically-minded folks at the county level doing much to help Chester out or is it kind of an unspoken continuation of the status quo?
unenlightenedgoblin OP t1_j4nohsh wrote
Reply to comment by mdpaoli in What happened to Chester, PA? What are its future prospects? by unenlightenedgoblin
Whoa, I had no idea. 35,000 is A LOT of people. Did they tear everything down or are there at least cool industrial ruins to check out?
unenlightenedgoblin OP t1_j4njv5u wrote
Reply to comment by defusted in What happened to Chester, PA? What are its future prospects? by unenlightenedgoblin
The thing that stands out about Chester compared with comparable small declining cities in the state is the fact that most of the factories in and around Chester are still operating. It doesn’t seem that Chester desperately lacks employment opportunities, but rather that those jobs aren’t going to Chester residents nor meaningfully lifting the tax base.
unenlightenedgoblin t1_j6uk6nh wrote
Reply to comment by zorionek0 in PA Looks To Study, Expand Conservation Corridors To Save Wildlife by susinpgh
Low key there are a lot of people working really hard across the state on trying to make all kinds of positive things happen in their communities and beyond. They’re generally not on the news or getting major party endorsements, but they’re out there. Fighting the good fight.