I gave it a try for Charlie Cox and it was absolutely terrible. He's obviously great as Daredevil but there wasn't much to work with in this show so even he couldn't salvage it.
Complete and utter waste of time, I watched the whole thing cause only 5 episodes and in the hopes that it might just get better but nope.
unitwithasoul t1_j1yft7q wrote
Reply to Just finished watching Treason. What absolute garbage and a bloody waste of time. by SonOfThomasWayne
I gave it a try for Charlie Cox and it was absolutely terrible. He's obviously great as Daredevil but there wasn't much to work with in this show so even he couldn't salvage it.
Complete and utter waste of time, I watched the whole thing cause only 5 episodes and in the hopes that it might just get better but nope.