
uptown_gargoyle t1_iyhggjg wrote

Honestly and with respect, I'm skeptical of this sort of engagement with politicians -- candidate flairs on reddit accounts, yard signs, etc. My concern is that when people relate to their politicians as extensions of their own identity, it becomes much, much harder to hold the politicians accountable once they're in office. But that's just my personal opinion.


uptown_gargoyle t1_iycrx0w wrote

Oooo I actually love this subject (passive voice being used to cover up the crimes of those in power).

The historical marker outside the Paul Robeson house is a really good example.

>[Robeson's] career suffered because of his political activism...

This makes it sound like he was bad at time management or something, and he neglected his work in order to do activist stuff. But the reality of course is that he was blacklisted by the government for being a socialist and a peace activist.


uptown_gargoyle t1_iyco4ch wrote

>Ruch was convicted of 11.5 to 23 months behind bars for the deadly shooting.

Normally people are convicted of crimes and then sentenced to prison terms. I've never heard of somebody being convicted of a prison term.

What the fuck is going on with local news?


uptown_gargoyle t1_iy8a4y2 wrote

  • average winter temperature in Philly has risen about 5 degrees in the last 50 years
  • this causes snow to happen later in the season and less frequently
  • but when it does happen, the warmer temperatures mean the air is able to hold more moisture, which can have the effect of making the total snowfall go up
  • otherwise, winters are getting more rainy and less snowy

uptown_gargoyle t1_iy5mg88 wrote

I'm undecided on Brown and on the soda tax, but it's also not nakedly self-interested. He's known for opening grocery stores in food deserts despite it being more profitable to operate stores in more affluent areas, and on the basis of that specific business experience he says the soda tax creates even more obstacles for people who want to open grocery stores in Philly food deserts.


uptown_gargoyle t1_ixuonce wrote

people have layers, like ogres and onions. a two-sentence reddit comment might not be the best indicator of the sum total of people's feelings on something.

also, if there's a way that we could feel that would end the violence, i think we'd all gladly feel that way, because i'm sure we all want to do something to end the violence. but that's not what feelings are for.