
uptown_gargoyle t1_j0kzem5 wrote

>Are recent Somali immigrants Black? Most Somalis would say no, but our government lumps them in as Black. Somalia is no where near the Atlantic coast and the slave trade.

Idk. Different countries have different racial taxonomies so it'd be hard to establish an objective measure of who's Black and who isn't. A person who'd be categorized in the US as Black might be considered Coloured in South Africa.

I'm not sure whether "Black" in the US connotes a particular relationship to the slave trade.


uptown_gargoyle t1_j0du98u wrote

I don't want to get into an argument, but don't you think a group of people working together -- even if only to talk to our councilpeople -- would make a bigger splash than one person doing it? And that something like that is more worthy of discussion than "HEY ASSHOLE" type posts?


uptown_gargoyle t1_j06q9a2 wrote

I think it'd be helpful to gather some data. If we can quantify how bad it is here (and I agree it's bad) by measuring things like accidents per capita per day, traffic fatalities, etc., then we can set goals and evaluate our progress. Politicians (or whomever) could also travel to similar cities that have fewer accidents (or whatever the metrics are) and learn about what makes those cities' driving culture different from ours, and then try to apply those strategies here.

I'm aware of the existence of Vision Zero but I don't know anything really about them.

I also think a significant part of this is the cops' apparent refusal to enforce traffic laws. I don't really know what the answer to that is.


uptown_gargoyle t1_j01lt7f wrote

>“The work-life balance is something that our generation is experiencing that our parents didn’t get an opportunity to indulge in during their youth.”

Is she saying that our (her) generation has a healthier work/life balance than the previous generation? I find this pretty difficult to believe.

Edit: I guess for children of immigrants or upwardly-mobile, generationally poor people it could check out though