uptown_gargoyle t1_j4t5hca wrote
Reply to comment by Rivster79 in Oh no, you can't park there! That spot is obviously TAKEN! by Spideriffic
we realized long ago that there's no reasoning with the cone people, so now we're all cone people. It was a great way to bond as neighbors. And we get the cones themselves at a good price.
uptown_gargoyle t1_j4t3gk1 wrote
uptown_gargoyle t1_j4si3tw wrote
Reply to comment by DonQOnIce in Oh no, you can't park there! That spot is obviously TAKEN! by Spideriffic
my block gets together and puts in a bulk cone order at the beginning of the year. 2 cones per household, and they usually last until the following January when it's time to reorder
uptown_gargoyle t1_j4sglo6 wrote
Reply to comment by MinimumGuarantee in Officials: Security officer shoots armed suspect outside of federal court building in Philadelphia by K1ngchip
"if you're scared, mother-lover, go to church"
uptown_gargoyle t1_j4pv12n wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Oh no, you can't park there! That spot is obviously TAKEN! by Spideriffic
Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.
uptown_gargoyle t1_j4iiskq wrote
Irish Pub on 20 and Walnut used to make a good one but unfortunately they're gone now. I tried the Bloody Mary at the bar at Mix on 21 and Chestnut a couple times and did not like it either time. Used to be a spot on 40 and Walnut where Panera is now that had a pretty interesting one with a ton of variations available, but they're also gone now. Midtown Continental's (18 and Chestnut) is okay but not something to write mom and dad about.
I'm hoping we get some good answers on this because I'd also like to know.
uptown_gargoyle t1_j4ctqia wrote
Reply to This is a crime by Odd-Emergency5839
this is a perfect example of why we need supervised italian hoagie sites throughout the city
uptown_gargoyle t1_j2pj4ra wrote
Reply to comment by TheArchitect_7 in Jawn Morgan is doubling down. by liog2step
uptown_gargoyle t1_j2p6cnp wrote
Reply to Jawn Morgan is doubling down. by liog2step
i like the ad campaign because of how upset it makes people
uptown_gargoyle t1_j2fah2j wrote
Reply to comment by Ng3me in City Council is more concerned with cars than public transit | Editorial by LurkersWillLurk
Always possible to withhold endorsement
uptown_gargoyle t1_j2enmr9 wrote
Reply to comment by 0716718227 in City Council is more concerned with cars than public transit | Editorial by LurkersWillLurk
i can barely stand it
uptown_gargoyle t1_j2ejfzx wrote
Reply to comment by Hannah_M_K in A few warm days in a row and the mosquitos are back by Stormcrow1776
people take shots of apple cider vinegar for its supposed health benefits so OP might be able to kill multiple birds with one stone here
uptown_gargoyle t1_j2dr9w4 wrote
Reply to comment by Lawmonger in At one point this was a world record holding ship. by FGoose
safe injection site
uptown_gargoyle t1_j2dqq95 wrote
Reply to comment by SirLaxer in Ok, so how was this year for you? by RoverTheMonster
was the marrow donation process painful?
uptown_gargoyle t1_j2dqa91 wrote
Reply to Ok, so how was this year for you? by RoverTheMonster
I wanna say yay, although I'm not sure why really. And come to think of it, I don't remember there being any nay years for me lately. Maybe I'm just a retrospective optimist.
uptown_gargoyle t1_j2dpqfs wrote
why didn't the netting work?
uptown_gargoyle t1_j2dlsuq wrote
this is the ship that all the world's records were held in
uptown_gargoyle t1_j28zm4u wrote
Reply to comment by WI_LFRED in Freak Out Friday Casual Chat Post by AutoModerator
uptown_gargoyle t1_j26c9k6 wrote
Reply to You know that one bus driver who announces the stops and says “hold on folks!” When he makes turns in Rittenhouse? by postgrad-dep18
I've never ridden the 17 or encountered this driver, but I really appreciate people posting about good SEPTA experiences on here. This is the type of gossip I like.
uptown_gargoyle t1_j26bc7d wrote
I feel the same way! Lately colors have seemed brighter here, food tastes better, and music sounds so vivid!
Unrelatedly, the psilocybin microdosing regimen I've been on doesn't seem to be affecting me much at all.
uptown_gargoyle t1_j25ydu7 wrote
Reply to comment by Kind_Session_6986 in Philadelphia mayoral candidates on gentrification: Parker, Gym, and Quiñones Sánchez talk solutions by outerspace29
That's also what all these candidates are saying. The usage of the word gentrification is often ambiguous because some people sometimes use it to refer to the process of economic growth and other people sometimes use it to refer to the process by which low-income residents are priced out of their own neighborhoods.
Everybody* thinks that gentrification in the first sense is good, and most people think gentrification in the displacement sense is bad. But a lot of people think you can't have the growth without displacement.
*some extreme activists are literally against growth, but that's a very vocal minority without any institutional pull
uptown_gargoyle t1_j23yy1n wrote
Reply to comment by themightychris in Philly Fighting COVID founder sues Drexel University for expelling him after vaccine scandal by Dryheavemorning
>They didn't even have any sensitive medical data though they were just handing appointment setting and coordinating volunteers/venues though right?
My recollection is that there were also questions about pre-existing health conditions that helped determine which patients qualified for which vaccine roll-out tiers.
My personal opinion is that it was a very scary time for everybody, and a lot of people hung a lot of hopes on the vaccines and, subsequently, on departments of public health to distribute them. This kid was absolutely a terrible choice to handle large scale vaccine distribution in Philadelphia, and heads definitely should have rolled at the Philly health department for it. Doroshin himself also put off extreme dumb-but-successful-frat-guy vibes, which made him super easy to dunk on. I guess I don't have an opinion as to whether dunking on Doroshin was bad for the city.
Was the amount of ridicule he received merited by his actual wrongdoing? I tend to doubt it. And, on the other side of the coin, I think Farley got off easy. But if there ever was a time for a person to say to himself, "Wow, this is actually a really important task, and maybe I just don't have the experience to do it effectively, even if I do have a plan to get rich off of it," then this was it.
ETA: WHYY also pushed a racial bias angle, because the people that got ghosted at testing events were mostly people of color, because the impact of the virus had a racial disparity, and because Doroshin was white and a more qualified black doctor was passed over for the contract. And I think when a story is framed as evil white guy victimizing disenfranchised people of color, it tends to cause the conversation to be more heated than it might have been otherwise. Plus there was a nationwide conversation about institutional racism that was unfolding at the same time. The whole thing struck a chord that resonated with a lot of people.
uptown_gargoyle t1_j23myxw wrote
Reply to comment by themightychris in Philly Fighting COVID founder sues Drexel University for expelling him after vaccine scandal by Dryheavemorning
There were issues relating to the way they were handling sensitive medical data, including a boiler-plate terms of service agreement that would have let him sell private data (the law prevents this and AFAIK he was never busted for actually selling the data). He also ghosted a ton of people after agreeing to run a testing event.
uptown_gargoyle t1_j4ux6qb wrote
Reply to comment by RoverTheMonster in Former Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter: I won't run again by dotcom-jillionaire
you loved the netter center, now get ready for the even better netter-nutter center!