urgjotonlkec t1_j4938z3 wrote
Reply to comment by 77Gumption77 in USA Credit Cards: Card Balances v. Interest Rate [OC] by rosetechnology
There is no benefit to society for allowing people to carry a balance on credit cards, it's entirely a scam.
urgjotonlkec t1_j47tntd wrote
Reply to comment by terrykrohe in [OC] 8 response metrics, avg, 3 predictor metrics: AR, LA, NY, NJ - 2020 election by terrykrohe
Oh shit, I forgot you're that guy that posts here every week trashing the parts of the country you don't like. No wonder you have no desire to actually adjust for anything. It's not that you're too lazy, it's that you're too biased.
urgjotonlkec t1_j4771d6 wrote
Reply to [OC] 8 response metrics, avg, 3 predictor metrics: AR, LA, NY, NJ - 2020 election by terrykrohe
Two comments:
- Why are high taxes in the "good" column.
- You need to adjust several of these for COL. It doesn't matter if you make more money living in a location if you're also forced to spend it all.
urgjotonlkec t1_j42aq6j wrote
Reply to comment by embracetheinfinite in [OC] American confidence in the government, economy, and information has been declining by GeorgeDaGreat123
What really concerns me is that bias has now started to creep into academia and the scientific community. I always knew you couldn't trust the media spin, but increasingly now you can't even trust the "facts" and the "experts". I don't even know where a person can go now to find truth. I've often said if I were to magically become a Billionaire the thing I would want to spend my money on would be to set up an apolitical research institute that does nothing but try and determine the facts surrounding politicized issues.
urgjotonlkec t1_j420y6x wrote
Reply to comment by amatulic in [OC] The decline of the Mecha Genre in Anime (More explanations in comments) by The_11th_Guild
The whole Shonen genre seems incredibly played out and yet they keep making money regardless so I'm not sure you can blame recycled plot points as the issue with mecha specifically when you've got so many nearly identical animes about killing demons and such.
urgjotonlkec t1_j41axgq wrote
Reply to comment by Bubbagumpredditor in [OC] American confidence in the government, economy, and information has been declining by GeorgeDaGreat123
Not much since the big decline happened in the 1990s and the trend is downward across this entire graph all the way back to the 1970s.
urgjotonlkec t1_j415p1c wrote
Reply to comment by SexyDoorDasherDude in [OC] How Far the Minimum Wage gets you to Median Income (Top 10 States) by SexyDoorDasherDude
What's that even supposed to mean? All I'm saying is that if the minimum wage is $10, but everyone I'd offering $15+ then the minimum wage law isn't relevant.
urgjotonlkec t1_j414ib8 wrote
Reply to comment by penguindev in [OC] Quarterly Deaths By Sex, Age 0-64 Only (Various Countries, since 2017) by penguindev
Because men are already dead by then.
urgjotonlkec t1_j414dpd wrote
Reply to comment by TheCriticalAmerican in [OC] Germany's gas imports from Russia vs total. Russia went from 35% to 0% vs total 38% global reduction. by hcrx
They started importing a bunch of Russian coal to replace it.
urgjotonlkec t1_j4149qf wrote
Reply to [OC] How Far the Minimum Wage gets you to Median Income (Top 10 States) by SexyDoorDasherDude
I live in NJ and don't see anyone offering less than $18/hr. Minimum wages across tge country have basically been rendered meaningless by inflation.
urgjotonlkec t1_j413coq wrote
Reply to [OC] American confidence in the government, economy, and information has been declining by GeorgeDaGreat123
I just want to point out that perception and reality are two vastly different things. The government and media was doing shady stuff this whole time, we're just more aware of it now. To a certain extent this increased distrust is a good thing. Unfortunately most people still only have one eye open. They're just noticing the shady stuff the "other side" is doing while being completely blind to their own sides shortcomings.
urgjotonlkec t1_j3s198c wrote
Reply to comment by LordFaquaad in [OC] Mr. Buffett - The Older The Wealthier by LeverageShares
>You're telling me that every major investor is just luck? It had nothing to do with skill, knowledge and understanding?
Yes, that's a pretty common school of thought supported by considerable research. For instance people have looked at the fund managers with the highest performance in given years and there's no correlation year to year.
urgjotonlkec t1_j3rs2vy wrote
Reply to comment by LordFaquaad in [OC] Mr. Buffett - The Older The Wealthier by LeverageShares
In any efficient market winning and losing is 100% luck just like a casino. Obviously if you have enough money you can push people around in a way that an average investor can't, but even getting to that point takes a lot of luck.
urgjotonlkec t1_j3rpjwr wrote
Reply to comment by positive_bias in [OC] Mr. Buffett - The Older The Wealthier by LeverageShares
$83k and $1M are obviously quite different.
urgjotonlkec t1_j3rp7w7 wrote
Reply to comment by LordFaquaad in [OC] Mr. Buffett - The Older The Wealthier by LeverageShares
Not really. Let's say you go to Vegas with $10,000 and put it all on black at the roulette table. There's a roughly 50% chance you double your money and 50% chance you lose it all. Win 23 times in a row and you will almost 110 Billion. That sounds extreme unlikely, but if ever US adult did it you would expect to have made 20 people succeed. Ironically that's roughly the same order of magnitude of centi-billionaires in the US.
urgjotonlkec t1_j3rifzk wrote
Reply to comment by SUPERSAMMICH6996 in [OC] Mr. Buffett - The Older The Wealthier by LeverageShares
Or maybe just a very lucky one. There's a lot of studies that suggest no such thing as a "gifted investor" actually exists. Even Warren himself seems to largely endorse this belief.
urgjotonlkec t1_j3riarg wrote
Reply to comment by Elbynerual in [OC] Mr. Buffett - The Older The Wealthier by LeverageShares
That doesn't match the data here..
urgjotonlkec t1_j3qsdjo wrote
Reply to comment by Porchie12 in [OC] Six out of the top 10 best-performing currencies of 2022 were Latin American. #2 worldwide was Uruguay by latinometrics
You want a stable currency. Huge changes in value definitely aren't desirable although it's better for your currency to go way up than way down I guess.
urgjotonlkec t1_j3nlso4 wrote
Reply to comment by DemonicDevice in [OC] 2022 budget for me and my fiancé (late 20s, USA) by johnnyB1994
It really depends on where you're going out and where you're buying groceries. TBH I really don't find it to be a big benefit. Maybe if you're making everything from scratch or you're one of those FIRE weirdos who always posts about eating nothing but rice and beans.
urgjotonlkec t1_j3nj560 wrote
Reply to comment by DemonicDevice in [OC] 2022 budget for me and my fiancé (late 20s, USA) by johnnyB1994
And? Obviously they eat out a lot. I doubt they would have saved that much only eating at home.
urgjotonlkec t1_j3nflqq wrote
Reply to comment by Moxie_the_collie in [OC] 2022 budget for me and my fiancé (late 20s, USA) by johnnyB1994
Not really TBH. This is two people and food ain't cheap these days.
urgjotonlkec t1_j3mko17 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in [OC] My 2022 Spending Analysis (27M, Single, STEM Field, Central Florida) by vinay_s
This was posted by a man. But yeah whe I was looking for a house an HOA was a non-starter.
urgjotonlkec t1_j493wfp wrote
Reply to comment by wanted_to_upvote in USA Credit Cards: Card Balances v. Interest Rate [OC] by rosetechnology
BINGO. Banks love when they can make money off you with no risk.