urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_j8rc8g5 wrote
Reply to comment by holyrooster_ in After a decade in development, Japan’s H3 rocket is ready for its debut by DoremusJessup
we could take the same view with other technologies like fusion in the enegy industry or advanced designg nuclear rocket engines and still get us nowhere but perfecting 1950s technologies
imho those people had been testing their technology for years but the company size and available cash is nowhere to be able to proceed with the desirable development speed
further ahead there are people working on other types of hypersonic engines
and in the future even plasma jet enginess (fairly early stage and with many issues to solve such as the amount of energy...) fairly stage but imho worth exploring since a breakthrough on such could change not only space industry but the entire aerospace industry
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_j8r2pt5 wrote
Reply to comment by The_Solar_Oracle in After a decade in development, Japan’s H3 rocket is ready for its debut by DoremusJessup
that is an interesting resume, thanks
the situation kind of reminds me the issues we have trying to achieve fusion energy, in both cases we know the that phisics work, we know is a desirable outcome but we need to workout the engineering problems
payload size may be an issue with early technology but if we at least manage reliable vehicules for human transportation that is one less problem and lower risk level until we can figure heavy loaders and eventually we are going to need an increased number of people working upthere becoming routine
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_j8r0kyt wrote
Reply to comment by LcuBeatsWorking in After a decade in development, Japan’s H3 rocket is ready for its debut by DoremusJessup
pity people like reaction engines doesnt get more money
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_j8oehrg wrote
kind of like europe with ariane 6, traying to compete in price reductions but trailing in rehusability
tbh i'd love to see somebody one day to leapfrog up from what we have with newer technologies towards single stage planes, hypersonic engines, and maybe in the future if it pans out plasma jet engines
one can deam, can i?
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_j7uu276 wrote
Reply to comment by ExtonGuy in What's the importance of our solar system having so many moons? by [deleted]
if there were no moons there would be no loonies and without loonies no monster raving loonies and so no monster raving loony party
what kind of Britain would this be if it never existed
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_j7il3dj wrote
Reply to comment by SexyOldHobo in Rolls-Royce Nuclear Engine Could Power Quick Trips to the Moon and Mars by darthatheos
im pretty sure that fossil fuel like to use propaganda greenwash themselves
and also have my suspicion that they may want use pro nuclear propaganda an industry they have been coexisting and competing with for the last seven decades in order to delay the energy transition because they cannot compete and control the disruptive changes that renewables caused in the market
i also have the suspicion that they may be using pro nuclear propaganda to blame any renewable supporter as pro fossil fuel 😌
i also am aware that a pro nuclear bot was found doing his rounds at reddit and also that there are plenty of pronuclear comments dressed as facts not being so also i realized that often pro nuclear energy coments apprear in threads that are not discusing such
Incidently this thread was about nuclear PROPULSION yet here are the church of the fissiontology in force proselitizing
i rather back read about nuclear propulsion which is something i find interesting
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_j7hc44g wrote
Reply to comment by VitaminPb in Rolls-Royce Nuclear Engine Could Power Quick Trips to the Moon and Mars by darthatheos
the "anti nuclear groups" don't matter to to investors and money makers the same that those against fossil fuels didn't matter, the soviet union never was anti nuclear either
as per nuclear propulsion goes the soviets developed and lauched several and if this didn't go further was due to the policies for the use of nuclears in space driven by national security agreements between the world powers not because any "anti nuclear groups"
the only thing that matters to investors are returns to their investment the less riskier and the quicker the better and on that nuclears never competed with oil neverminnd with renewables
this thread is about nuclear propulsion
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_j7ha0w3 wrote
Reply to comment by GlockAF in Rolls-Royce Nuclear Engine Could Power Quick Trips to the Moon and Mars by darthatheos
I don't see a reason to think that there is no rute to decarbonizing without nuclear power, i don't see any reason to think that as the "inevitable " or "correct" conclusion
I see many reasons why nuclear in space can be useful and desirable at least till we have fusion which we don't have
i don't see the need to proselitize the use of nuclear fission as energy on the ground in an thread about the use of nuclear propulsion in space
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_j74x8eh wrote
Reply to TIL the UK experiences more tornados per year than any other country in the world relative to its land area. by blr126
is tornados a new slang word for roundabouts? 😂
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_j6wjjqt wrote
Reply to Are cultural changes more important than technological ones to solve environmental and capitalism issues? by G-Funk_with_2Bass
technological changes widen what is possible so they are linked to cultural changes
something that was common in the middle ages may be considered disgusting or immoral these days because we have the means to do things differently
think how we deal these days with trah, slavery, transport...for example
in the other hand culture affect how and in what direction technology take and is used and which social policies apply so policies on how to use technology, how we work with it, etc.... affect how we live, think how we deal with work, surveillance, urban planing......
technology and culture are linked and evolve together
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_j6mctb8 wrote
Reply to comment by Radioactiveglowup in NASA and DARPA to partner on nuclear thermal propulsion demonstration by returnofjuju
i love they start nuclear propulsion in space specially things like the dual NTP/NEP design they were posting a few days back because the best that NTP alone can do is twice as better than chemical and we need better than that
this post is about nuclear propulsion the rest of your comment smacks of acolites of the church of the fissiontology pushing propaganda created by fossil fuel to slow the adoption of clean energy and doesn't belong to this discussion
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_j6l4ft4 wrote
Reply to comment by Progenitor001 in Swedish start-up is building an electric airliner. Will this be the future of Airlines? by Max_1990
god forbid an emergency landing and compromise the fuel deposits
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_j6kqte2 wrote
Reply to comment by SilverNicktail in US renewable energy farms outstrip 99% of coal plants economically – study | US news by Ok_Champion6840
the tories had been restricting with a moratorium onshore wind since 2015 with Cameron, that stopped onshore development, rishi said in december that he could "ease" the restrictions, "pending public consultation"
that would be an U turn on his summer campaing to became leader where he promised to scrap plans to relax the ban on onshore wind
so i'd take it with a pinch of salt and won't expect nothing on a hurry
for example nothing stops him easing the ban in a greenbelt Tory stronhold as a greenwashing show, since he would know that wealthy NIMBYs will oppose them
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_j6ho8ye wrote
Reply to comment by corsairealgerien in NASA tested new propulsion tech that could unlock new deep space travel possibilities by Creepy_Toe2680
this is an engine showcasing newer material manufacturing tecnics such as additive manufacturing, these tecnics allow more resilience and temperatures needed for this type of engine
in theory ths will allow a type of engine that is simpler and more efficient but it has its own challenges, for instance solving instabilities
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_j5yb25h wrote
Reply to comment by GammaGoose85 in A New View of the Most Explosive Moon in the Solar System by ChickenTeriyakiBoy1
You can order as is atm, orders with extra meat will have to wait till Nasa suppliers arrive
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_j55oze4 wrote
Africa is going through it's own revolution now, google some videos
I can't find them now, but there was an african chap making nice videos of how people lives and how they were using microgrids, local solar and how it help to improve people's lives
also the aspect of leapfrogging from national grids that require substancial goverment money to fund the infrastructure, (money that they don't have and those projects may take long time on underdeveloped areas) to personal and microgrids and the huge diference that makes having access to free energy with very low cost infrastructure, i.e enough to power basic needs, a radio, tv, phone charging and extend ligh hours
As well as the ability to deploy it at remote areas
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_j55k297 wrote
Reply to comment by Soham_rak in India installed almost 14 GW of solar in 2022 by Straight_Ad2258
proper civilized deserts mount panels on 3m poles tall so that camels can enjoy the shadow 🐪
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_j3mi2nc wrote
Reply to comment by Shot_Sprinkles_6775 in Lab-grown retinal eye cells make successful connections, open door for clinical trials to treat blindness by chrisdh79
Maybe one day we can "train" the vision area by stimulating it with electric impulses, who knows
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_j36debo wrote
Reply to comment by Falzon03 in Holographic tech coming soon to businesses by Falzon03
Long time ago i went to se an holografic expo
the ones i most remember were the picture of a fisher king with a fish on is beak, despite being aware that it was a flat plate the illusion of the fish hanging in the air from the bird beak beyond the wall, it was amazing, put the hand against the wall and still the image seem closer than the hand and the wall, cover part of the hologram with the hand and being able to see it complete by looking throught the side like in a real window
another had the picture of an optometrist shop with a vision chart at the end and a pair of glasses seeminly closer to you in the air, in front of you and they worked as real glases do too, looking throught the glasses you could see the symbols in the chrart and the things in the shop bigger, not looking though the glasses you could look at the room and the chart as if not using the glasses, and standing next to the picture the glasses were closer close next to you than the wall
another had a microscope with an electronic chip on its glass plate, you could approach the microscope tiny lense and see the amplified details of the chip like using a real microscope while feeling that the microscope was closer to your eye than the wall
we get fooled that those are 3d because they are, the flat plate is not just an usual photo, it contains the reconstructed 3d image as intersection waves iluminated from a source that is reflected by a mirror into another point of light hitting the picture from a different angle
The plates i saw were higher quality than the star wars thing, but there are labs working on systems that can also project it that way, a problem that we have is that to do it with moving images is very difficult, you need to capture the complete 3d information for the reconstruction of the image and its surroundings and the objects are moving
but there are people working on different methods, from memory MIT tensor holography...and others, no idea of the quality or how far they are thought
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_j2vft2p wrote
Reply to comment by Pubelication in Dell UltraSharp U3224KB 32-inch 6K monitor is official with a built-in 4K webcam and Thunderbolt 4 port. by RenegadeUK
actually you may be right
the monitor integrate most of what i use in my home office setting
including the KWM to swich between personal computer snd work laptop and the accessible ports
the difference with my set up is that this thing has eeverything conveniently integrated and of higher specific
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_j2mb0cn wrote
Reply to comment by doogle_126 in PV Cells Still Generally Produce 80%+ of Initially-Rated Power Despite Expected Damage by Alias_The_J
Ah, quadrupedal power cells
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_j2m8wca wrote
Reply to comment by Surur in PV Cells Still Generally Produce 80%+ of Initially-Rated Power Despite Expected Damage by Alias_The_J
A good donkey
the warranty is about 27 years but they may last up to 40 or more years with a little tender care n keep you company
They can be a bit stuborn at times thought
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_j2m7o1p wrote
Reply to comment by mhornberger in PV Cells Still Generally Produce 80%+ of Initially-Rated Power Despite Expected Damage by Alias_The_J
I'm a little surprised that i haven't seen the online nut jobs complaining about solar going to use all the sun 😄
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_j2m7m5p wrote
Reply to comment by doogle_126 in PV Cells Still Generally Produce 80%+ of Initially-Rated Power Despite Expected Damage by Alias_The_J
Fusion plant wireless power sockets
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_j8rckmu wrote
Reply to comment by holyrooster_ in After a decade in development, Japan’s H3 rocket is ready for its debut by DoremusJessup
how do we know till start developing it?
are we condemned to live with refining 1950 designs forever?, is that the best we can do?