urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_ivf8r06 wrote
Reply to comment by AfghanHokie in Humanoid robots could generate $154 billion in revenue over next 15 years, Goldman Sachs reports by Gari_305
Thank god for that unsung hero Sarah Connor delaying it again and again while most sleep suspecting nothing
I don't know how long she'll be able to keep at it thogthough, the latest models are becoming pretty sofisticated
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_iv1a9aq wrote
Reply to comment by GrandNibbles in Researchers Make Rocket Fuel Using Actual Regolith From the Moon by The_Weekend_Baker
Now I'm thinking of primitive technology youtube videos in the future, a guy stirring moon dust to make fuel for their primitive technology rocket
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_iufp7j1 wrote
Reply to comment by Maxicott in Emperor Penguins Will Now Be A Protected Species Under The U.S. Endangered Species Act by AsslessBaboon
I propose we change their name to freedom penguins
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_itsm6on wrote
Reply to comment by MrSirrr_ in Global CO2 emissions to grow less than 1% on green energy, EV expansion: IEA by Leprechan_Sushi
The goverment comisioned studies several years ago and concluded that EVs will result in an additional 10% increase impact in Britain, and they considered the grid capable to sustain that without any problem, not only that, the grid is ongoing sustaining development as we speak and money being invested on it because renewables or not smart grids are beneficial for a number of reasons
and if britain grid can sustain it, I bet my arse that Germany and France aren't any far behind
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_itmd9ru wrote
Reply to Everything costs so much money. by hearsdemons
meh, if the poor cannot pay with money way don't they use their credit cards?
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_itinkll wrote
Reply to comment by sportspadawan13 in A city in China is planning an offshore wind farm so big that it could power all of Norway by quellerand
Or the equivalent of 43 overal nuclear reactors at full generation or 21 at half
not bad at all
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_itg9251 wrote
Reply to comment by clintCamp in China is building a 40 gigawatt offshore wind farm, the biggest power plant in existence by mutherhrg
Also resiliency, stoping those generating power with a single drone hit as Russia does with power plants in ukrania is impossible
also if the poles are fixed to the ocean floor it may act as artificial riffs helping the local marine ecosystems
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_is1z1ut wrote
Reply to comment by Abstract__Nonsense in Democracy and economic equality in six major western countries, since 1980 [OC] by progressinmotion
outsourcing helped to raise the live standars of poorer countries however the costs were borne by the working and middle clases at home while the benefits and cost savings were reaped by the higher classes as higher monetary profit instead of being proportionally distributed
The benefits generated by higher efficiences, lower costs, lower taxation and removal of trade barriers had largely helped to increase corporative profit while at home middle and lower clases salaries didn't grow at the same level and upwards social mobility stiffened due to lost of opportunities and the increase of the cost of education housing and heathcare
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_irxllzt wrote
Reply to comment by Suicicoo in NASA invents ‘incredible’ battery for electric planes by HaikuKnives
Sine for you price is not a factor will the Mercedes EQS with a range of 780km will be enough?
edit correction range
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_iqoyngy wrote
Reply to comment by Koda_20 in The US's National Renewable Energy Laboratory wants to make decentralized microgrids as simple to set up and operate as diesel generators, and has created a prototype that is much simpler than existing microgrid technology. by lughnasadh
Actually you are wrong as many studies on the environmental footprint of different forms of energy show, on top of it modern batteries are largely recyclable
and thorium in 2022 means nothing because the plants were expected by 2070 , i.e India third phase (as in thorium power plants) and i mention india because they were the ones pushing for thorium since they have some of the largest deposits in the world
as it happens phase one wss eventually completed, phase two has been plaged by cost overrums and delays and as per now mostly paralized, at this point has been a renewed push for nuclear generation but if im correct most are conventional so
and no, uranium power plants using thourium blankets and test runs do not count as commercial thorium plants
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_iqon5i3 wrote
Reply to comment by lughnasadh in The US's National Renewable Energy Laboratory wants to make decentralized microgrids as simple to set up and operate as diesel generators, and has created a prototype that is much simpler than existing microgrid technology. by lughnasadh
It is happening right now, african comunities that didn't have access to energy now they have access to solar energy
I was just watching the other day a little feed produced by a Massai guy living in a remote area in reddit and he did commented on it
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_iqom41d wrote
Reply to comment by Koda_20 in The US's National Renewable Energy Laboratory wants to make decentralized microgrids as simple to set up and operate as diesel generators, and has created a prototype that is much simpler than existing microgrid technology. by lughnasadh
How bad, are they worse than uranium from mining to fabrication? are they worse than fracking or oil extraction? are they worse than coal?
perhaps we shall cut every tree for our heating needs and forget about the CO2 released to the athmosphere
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_iqok1ks wrote
Reply to comment by MetaLizard in The US's National Renewable Energy Laboratory wants to make decentralized microgrids as simple to set up and operate as diesel generators, and has created a prototype that is much simpler than existing microgrid technology. by lughnasadh
A Dyson sphere is a sohere around the sun where the living surface is the internal wall of the sphere, there is no need for earth
the huge amount of liveable surface would allow more than trillions to live in a temperate environment and because its encasing the sun the whole energy output is available for harvesting
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_ivyb2f4 wrote
Reply to comment by redmechan46 in San Diego company plans to build a nuclear fusion plant. Will the pilot program work? by bitfriend6
It will be also a byporoduct of the fusion itself by using lithium blankets in the containmet chamber too
there are issues but they know it and did take into consideration how much tritium there is
It isn't as if they just found out of the blue and didn't thought about it before spending all the money into their designs