user2542 t1_ja10kvs wrote
Reply to comment by jason_abacabb in TIL about the only double barrel cannon in the world. When it was its first tested during the American Civil War, the chain snapped immediately and one ball tore into a nearby cabin, knocking down its chimney; the other spun off erratically and struck a nearby cow, killing it instantly. by ExpertPreference8481
Did they send you your official dad 'stache yet or is it still in the mail?
user2542 t1_ja2xj60 wrote
Reply to comment by Objective_Kick2930 in TIL Tolkien assisted on the Oxford Dictionary's first edition, focused on 'W' words waggle to warlock. He "learned more in those two years than in any other"; and certain etymologies continued to puzzle him for years, with many pages of notes written later on 'walrus' for a lecture at Leeds by PianoCharged
Someone definitely got paid by the Oxford University Press to spend a few months researching the etymology of "fleek"