uwuwotsdps42069 OP t1_j4xveh9 wrote
Reply to comment by sc00p401 in Electrical costs are obscene. by uwuwotsdps42069
Lol let us know how that goes
uwuwotsdps42069 OP t1_j4xrzgl wrote
Reply to comment by Imaskeet in Electrical costs are obscene. by uwuwotsdps42069
That is next on the list!
uwuwotsdps42069 OP t1_j4x06el wrote
Reply to comment by Status_Silver_5114 in Electrical costs are obscene. by uwuwotsdps42069
Probably. My buddy’s brother (what an RI statement) works for one of those companies that “save people money” by helping them switch suppliers, and he said it’s all bullshit.
uwuwotsdps42069 OP t1_j4wxrjh wrote
Reply to comment by Yogurtsamples in Electrical costs are obscene. by uwuwotsdps42069
Yeah I was able to squeeze in a Call to them a little while ago. Was expecting a much longer wait time on hold.
uwuwotsdps42069 OP t1_j4wxfby wrote
Reply to comment by petrichorblue1 in Electrical costs are obscene. by uwuwotsdps42069
Thanks for the info, you providing a comparable really helps so I know where I “should be” for a monthly bill.
Do you have forced air or baseboard? What about well?
uwuwotsdps42069 OP t1_j4wx68t wrote
Reply to comment by degggendorf in Electrical costs are obscene. by uwuwotsdps42069
Wow thanks you saved me a bunch of trouble searching!
uwuwotsdps42069 OP t1_j4wx01e wrote
Reply to comment by Maitaiyah in Electrical costs are obscene. by uwuwotsdps42069
Not to laugh at your misfortune, but lol. Isn’t that just Classic utility behavior? I just got off the phone with RIE and they told me that I can switch providers.
uwuwotsdps42069 OP t1_j4wwj9s wrote
Reply to comment by GotenRocko in Electrical costs are obscene. by uwuwotsdps42069
kWh is up 200 yoy and 300 from prior month. Something’s fucky.
uwuwotsdps42069 OP t1_j4wpg5a wrote
Reply to comment by Yak54RC in Electrical costs are obscene. by uwuwotsdps42069
Yep that’s some of what I’m trying to do, no idea if such a meter exists tho.
uwuwotsdps42069 OP t1_j4wo6mw wrote
Reply to comment by degggendorf in Electrical costs are obscene. by uwuwotsdps42069
Yeah I’m projected for 100% offset so I’m looking forward to them being switched on.
I wish they made digital gauges for the breaker panel so I could see how much draw was going to each circuit. Then I could really go and hunt down the problem.
uwuwotsdps42069 OP t1_j4wnv31 wrote
Reply to comment by Nevvermind183 in Electrical costs are obscene. by uwuwotsdps42069
I have a dehumidifier in the basement that I shut off and unplug around oct/Nov every year once it begins to cool.
My suspicion is that my well pump may be running a lot but I have no way of telling.
uwuwotsdps42069 OP t1_j4wno3c wrote
Reply to comment by dupattaluella in Electrical costs are obscene. by uwuwotsdps42069
Salary lol
uwuwotsdps42069 OP t1_j4wn2r8 wrote
Reply to comment by Emotional-Simple-478 in Electrical costs are obscene. by uwuwotsdps42069
I’m gonna guess you have an apartment? I’m in a 2200 sqft house. Different energy needs brother.
uwuwotsdps42069 OP t1_j4wmhky wrote
Reply to comment by dupattaluella in Electrical costs are obscene. by uwuwotsdps42069
I do taxes, so no not during this time of year lol
uwuwotsdps42069 OP t1_j4wmbmk wrote
Reply to comment by degggendorf in Electrical costs are obscene. by uwuwotsdps42069
Yeah I work from home once a week, sometimes twice. And even then, laptop, dock, two monitors, and one set of lights. It’s not like I’m mining crypto or something lol.
uwuwotsdps42069 OP t1_j4wlp4m wrote
Reply to comment by marshal1257 in Electrical costs are obscene. by uwuwotsdps42069
Is that not common knowledge? Nick may have a point but coming in and stating the obvious isn’t helpful.
I’m not gonna make an itemized list of what I keep plugged in in my home, but it’s really just computer, tv, monitors, a couple cameras. Really basic stuff.
uwuwotsdps42069 OP t1_j4wkh87 wrote
Reply to comment by MT_Photos in Electrical costs are obscene. by uwuwotsdps42069
I mean maybe? Some phone chargers, a computer, a couple tvs. Router, printer. Usual stuff really.
uwuwotsdps42069 OP t1_j4wjlbw wrote
Reply to comment by dupattaluella in Electrical costs are obscene. by uwuwotsdps42069
Yeah that’s what I’m trying to figure out how to do, without calling them since I’m working.
uwuwotsdps42069 OP t1_j4wi66g wrote
Reply to comment by Nicksucksathiking in Electrical costs are obscene. by uwuwotsdps42069
Wow thanks very helpful 🙄
uwuwotsdps42069 OP t1_j4wgr94 wrote
Reply to comment by SnooDrawings7662 in Electrical costs are obscene. by uwuwotsdps42069
Yeah that was frustrating to hear. Solar based on historical usage, what a joke. I should be able to cover my entire roof in panels and excess goes back into the grid, but then RIE al would have to spend money to make it so the grid can handle two-way traffic.
uwuwotsdps42069 OP t1_j4wbr2r wrote
Reply to comment by degggendorf in Electrical costs are obscene. by uwuwotsdps42069
Propane + forced air heat, propane stove.
Well water
Barely keep any lights on, heat never goes above 66. Don’t use a ton of water. Gone 10+ hours a day. TV runs for maybe a couple hours.
Where does the power go? /shrug
uwuwotsdps42069 t1_izsmp4p wrote
uwuwotsdps42069 t1_izoo771 wrote
Reply to comment by BrandonC41 in Lightheartedly, Rhode Island is full and could use one of these. by 401jamin
You hush your goddamn mouth. We got a good thing going over here.
uwuwotsdps42069 t1_izj5f02 wrote
Reply to comment by Jreamplease in Thank you, my friends. by 13curseyoukhan
It’s not even close. This place is the best. And it’s a proper hole-in-the-wall.
uwuwotsdps42069 OP t1_j50gqzw wrote
Reply to comment by sbaz86 in Electrical costs are obscene. by uwuwotsdps42069
Thanks! I have no plans to zap myself lol. My father used to do electrical on military planes so I’ll have him dust off his tools and come help.