valleyman02 t1_itdcqc4 wrote
Reply to comment by BowTiedAgorist in McConnell-aligned super PAC withdraws from New Hampshire Senate race by Live-Breath9799
You only think it's a close race because of the media. Last time was a close race. Candidates do matter.
valleyman02 t1_itbpeaw wrote
Reply to comment by Mission-Document5257 in Passenger examining car damage from bear strike killed in crash on NH road by rabblebowser
I get it they want to make a joke cuz you think I'm an idiot. I'm just BS reality you believe it or not.
valleyman02 t1_itafo5a wrote
Reply to comment by Clauss_Video_Archive in Detailed article about the Concord double murder investigation by The_Road_is_Calling
Almost seems like an AI might be able to handle at least some of it. Maybe not or the tech not quite there. But your right that not fun.
valleyman02 t1_it8o0l5 wrote
Reply to comment by Peeeculiar in Detailed article about the Concord double murder investigation by The_Road_is_Calling
Agree this is top notch detective work. It's amazing the information they found. How lucky the witness was. And it's just how much information can be traced with a thorough investigation. Seems makes this an open and shut case. And while this is a tragic story. At least there's closure for the families.
valleyman02 t1_it8j8w4 wrote
Reply to comment by Wear_Overall in Passenger examining car damage from bear strike killed in crash on NH road by rabblebowser
Let's be honest how much effort are you going to get. They have a bunch of new people at WMUR. That I'm sure they pay squat for compared to the industry at Large. It's just like the internet how accurate is the internet if you're paying guys two cents a letter to create content. So I've been tracking the WMUR desk. If you notice there is a slight difference in some segments of these "news desks". I'm pretty sure they're doing some segments that are not located at the Manchester location. It's just a theory I have that they're trying to save cost. by making some segments of the broadcast they can broadcast to every station. thus saving them expenses for more profit. As I say it's just a working theory.
This is a terrible accident and just makes clear that our roads are becoming more and more dangerous.
valleyman02 t1_isv0vvg wrote
Reply to comment by WhoWhatWhereWhenHowY in Looking at relocating to Berlin, NH. by Sufficient-Voice-210
Is Dover really over 34k?
valleyman02 t1_isjm0x8 wrote
Reply to comment by Quirky_Butterfly_946 in Gubernatorial candidates clash in first debate by TurretLauncher
Where people stop believing that JFK Jr is coming to Dallas to save us. And realize that the Web telescope just revealed the universe almost to the beginning of time as we currently understand.
valleyman02 t1_isjkhgy wrote
Reply to comment by Quirky_Butterfly_946 in Gubernatorial candidates clash in first debate by TurretLauncher
It's amazing to me how diluted the right is and what a bubble you're in. But I get it he's likely going to win.
I really hope that we are entering a period of enlightenment in the next few years. It's certainly seems like we've been in the dark ages for the last 30 or more years.
valleyman02 t1_is6tmow wrote
Reply to comment by woolsocksandsandals in Weekend in Portsmouth NH without kids by jhostnick
And when they're grown and gone you'll wish they were home. But they call it the circle of life for a reason.
valleyman02 t1_iracctu wrote
Reply to comment by ChristopherDuntsch in The N.H. surgeon who had the worst record for malpractice death settlements by ChristopherDuntsch
So we should make him the general surgeon of the US.
valleyman02 t1_irabzhu wrote
Reply to comment by Mynewadventures in The N.H. surgeon who had the worst record for malpractice death settlements by ChristopherDuntsch
The fairness doctrine.
valleyman02 t1_iraatwv wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in The N.H. surgeon who had the worst record for malpractice death settlements by ChristopherDuntsch
They save my life in 2018.
valleyman02 t1_iraan0d wrote
Reply to comment by bastardosybastitdos in Bomb threats, credit card fraud: state rep Stacie-Marie Laughton of Nashua by Final_Act6703
It's a gorgeous day out!
valleyman02 t1_ir9u5uz wrote
Reply to comment by bastardosybastitdos in Bomb threats, credit card fraud: state rep Stacie-Marie Laughton of Nashua by Final_Act6703
It's an exercise in futility to Converse with mentally unstable Maga. They know what they know and no fact is going to get in the way of that. It's truly a cult. Arguing facts will never work. Like life it's a long process to decultify any cult member.
Just downvote and move on is the best strategy. Although I will admit when I'm bored. I will engage.
valleyman02 t1_ir6ktxv wrote
Reply to comment by 5nd in Bomb threats, credit card fraud: state rep Stacie-Marie Laughton of Nashua by Final_Act6703
Exactly right. You don't you don't care if people need to die to get your way. You don't care if people don't have a place to live to get your way. You don't care that kids get shot in school to get your way. All you care about is getting your way whatever that take.
valleyman02 t1_ir5vugn wrote
Reply to comment by asuds in Bomb threats, credit card fraud: state rep Stacie-Marie Laughton of Nashua by Final_Act6703
I wish I could up vote this harder! Corruption is bad.
valleyman02 t1_iqzaykv wrote
valleyman02 t1_iqvyamw wrote
Reply to comment by yahhhguy in Last-minute drive up NH12 and a quick stop to get this pic across from Mt Washington by techsavior
It's Dummer Pond Road you need to watch out for.
valleyman02 t1_itgvuw0 wrote
Reply to comment by ShortUSA in McConnell-aligned super PAC pulls $5M from New Hampshire Senate race by PurpleSubtlePlan
Right I read some place that Republicans spent $100 million on TV ads. And I'm like does WMUR even have that many? And I get it they're advertising out of Boston too. And 100 million is really the number for all ads. TV , Print, Social Media ,radio. Both parties are just jamming the communication to overload full too capacity.
Just ignore it all and VOTE!