valleyman02 t1_ixibfth wrote
Reply to comment by Consistent-Winter-67 in Police advise people stay inside due to shooting by SolitudeNH
As you seem to have downvoted it. Seemed you were being facetious and if I read that wrong then that's on me.
And yeah I'm sick of people getting shot on the street cuz we have no gun laws and we're living through the beginning of the wild wild West. As a gun owner I support gun ownership. But little or no regulation is killing people.
valleyman02 t1_ixia3fi wrote
Reply to comment by Consistent-Winter-67 in Police advise people stay inside due to shooting by SolitudeNH
Oh now I get it you're just denying reality. So cheers to you!
valleyman02 t1_ixi9z6b wrote
Reply to comment by Consistent-Winter-67 in Police advise people stay inside due to shooting by SolitudeNH
Gasp no. Per year and that total not per/1000. We had been avg 19 or so a year for the last 20 years. Just been a bad 2 or 3 years for violence.
valleyman02 t1_ixi831n wrote
Reply to comment by Consistent-Winter-67 in Police advise people stay inside due to shooting by SolitudeNH
We're on a record pace for homicides by guns. The previous record was 29. I'm not actually sure where we are today. I know it was 25 a few months ago.
valleyman02 t1_ixe73em wrote
Reply to comment by movdqa in Electric water heater vs Natural Gas by movdqa
Yea not having hot water gets old fast. The joys of homeownership! Good luck
valleyman02 t1_ixe6b9d wrote
Reply to Electric water heater vs Natural Gas by movdqa
Did you talk to anybody about lining your chimney? They just stick a 6-in pipe up through the old chimney. My chimney are very old. We did have to retop one chimney. We run a furnace/hot water through one and a pellet stove through the other.
valleyman02 t1_iwpwb9i wrote
Reply to comment by smartest_kobold in Eversource customers could face another rate hike as utility tries to lock in new contract by netnothing
Blame it on Joe. Then tax cuts for the 1%. Same same
valleyman02 t1_iwljz92 wrote
Reply to comment by lantonas in Pinnacle of human intelligence by akmjolnir
Tailgating to boot.
valleyman02 t1_iw7o4g0 wrote
Reply to comment by Itsaburner777 in What’s more important to you as a voter, your candidate(s) winning in state or federal level elections? Why? by Regulator275
The right wing hardliner like yourself have definitely made it an art form. Rage on brother!
valleyman02 t1_iw7dzrh wrote
Reply to comment by Itsaburner777 in What’s more important to you as a voter, your candidate(s) winning in state or federal level elections? Why? by Regulator275
A distinction without a difference.
valleyman02 t1_iw64mmn wrote
Reply to comment by dogownedhoomun in Farmington child hospitalized for RSV in Maine after family cannot find NH beds by every1getslaid
You need a hug?
valleyman02 t1_iw3ku0w wrote
Reply to comment by Hardmeat_McLargehuge in Farmington child hospitalized for RSV in Maine after family cannot find NH beds by every1getslaid
Except that's not what the troll is saying. The troll is saying they're short on workers because they fired employees that wouldn't follow scientific procedures. If they had just not fired the anti-science folks. For not following science they would be okay with no bed shortage.
When the truth is one the reason we are so short workers is because a lot of people didn't follow science and made this whole thing much worse. And this troll in particular is always crying about everything.
valleyman02 t1_iw30i1t wrote
Reply to comment by RickyDaytonaJr in Child care centers worry about background check changes by smartest_kobold
Sounds like a worker's wage and benefits problem. Money does not seem like the problem. As in your paying more than enough to fund a great program. Seems like when you can't find workers you're probably not paying enough wages.
valleyman02 t1_iw2yeoi wrote
Reply to comment by vorrhin in Child care centers worry about background check changes by smartest_kobold
This is what happens when you break government by defunding it. And then not have a plan to fix it. I'm sure Sununu will be giving it lip service shortly. Now there a leader who can talks in circles.
valleyman02 t1_iw2xq7u wrote
Reply to comment by 5nd in Farmington child hospitalized for RSV in Maine after family cannot find NH beds by every1getslaid
Do you need a tissue?
valleyman02 t1_ivugds3 wrote
Reply to comment by AMC4x4 in Free Staters might actually have *more* legislative control now in the state House thanks to the even split? -- Brown said. “So the narrow margin had the effect of actually creating a budget that was farther to the right.” Could get interesting. by AMC4x4
I mean it's been a circus of obstruction and chaos since 2000 basically. This country is always been center right and center left. And the rich support the crazies because it's beneficial to the 1% to have the people divided. And So it goes.
valleyman02 t1_ivufiqy wrote
Reply to comment by AMC4x4 in Free Staters might actually have *more* legislative control now in the state House thanks to the even split? -- Brown said. “So the narrow margin had the effect of actually creating a budget that was farther to the right.” Could get interesting. by AMC4x4
All of them. I'm guessing we ain't seen nothing yet.
valleyman02 t1_ivpjpxo wrote
Reply to comment by ThatWerewolfTho in Trump blames Bolduc's loss on election denial flip-flopping. by lMickNastyl
Lock him up! Lock him up! Third time's the charm lock him up!
valleyman02 t1_ivpazw6 wrote
Reply to comment by lMickNastyl in Why has NH gone more to left theses days? by BoringAccountName78
All while being senile.
valleyman02 t1_ivp9igt wrote
Reply to comment by WapsuSisilija in Why has NH gone more to left theses days? by BoringAccountName78
You know they hedge their bets and actually give money to both sides right? They're on one side the money side. Which is great for money. but not so great for people.
valleyman02 t1_ivp8dun wrote
Reply to comment by Doug_Shoe in Why has NH gone more to left theses days? by BoringAccountName78
Fact .04% of New Hampshire's population moved here in the last decade. That's 68,000 in the last 10 years. The lefties are coming for you! You may need medication.
valleyman02 t1_ivoyshk wrote
valleyman02 t1_ivotqtn wrote
Reply to comment by Maldonian in Why has NH gone more to left theses days? by BoringAccountName78
That is hard data. Look at how much money was spent in politics today versus 20 years ago. I heard on the news that over a billion dollars was spent by both sides on just a top five Senate races. In a midterm. So 2 billion on 5 races.
valleyman02 t1_ivos5yc wrote
Reply to comment by Maldonian in Why has NH gone more to left theses days? by BoringAccountName78
The hard data is there are 400 billionaires playing with our lives. And we the people are losing badly
valleyman02 t1_ixic63u wrote
Reply to comment by dj_narwhal in Police advise people stay inside due to shooting by SolitudeNH
The Purge New Hampshire style.