vankamperer OP t1_jad945i wrote
Reply to comment by jayedgar06 in To practice something is doing it over and over and expecting different results. by vankamperer
practice is playing the same piano piece, hitting the same tennis stroke, etc. expecting better results each time. i rest my shower thought..
vankamperer OP t1_jad6jgb wrote
Reply to comment by Niche_Humor in To practice something is doing it over and over and expecting different results. by vankamperer
in other words, a different result..
vankamperer t1_j9slkdx wrote
look for a local craft fair. there may be a leather worker who makes high quality belts. I've seen several.
vankamperer OP t1_jae8tq7 wrote
Reply to comment by willsmithsrightpalm in To practice something is doing it over and over and expecting different results. by vankamperer
which is why the belabored cliche about insanity, incorrectly attributed to Albert Einstein, is flatly wrong... because it fails to take into account many other variable factors like learning and chance, etc.