var_char_limit_20 OP t1_jabj9kc wrote
Reply to comment by boneboy247 in never grow up by var_char_limit_20
I would make a horrible teacher. would waste too much time talking about dumb shit and probably spend a full month wathcing Cold war documentaries
var_char_limit_20 OP t1_jabj1ru wrote
Reply to comment by SirEnderman in never grow up by var_char_limit_20
Did you laugh again? I hope your dad laughed for a second and then coughed and apologised.
var_char_limit_20 OP t1_jabizun wrote
Reply to comment by PossiblyLinux127 in never grow up by var_char_limit_20
I don't give a shit! I'll laugh even more
var_char_limit_20 t1_j27z5dv wrote
I don't understand how you can be a dad and be on Reddit. Those can't exist together
var_char_limit_20 OP t1_jabjakh wrote
Reply to comment by BenTherDoneTht in never grow up by var_char_limit_20
Never grow up