
varungupta3009 t1_j1u875k wrote

I wish it were so simple. How can I not care about people? Why does everything I do need to be perfect. How do I not put in extra extra effort into everything, just to get devastated later on.



varungupta3009 t1_j1meox4 wrote

Since 7 months ago, each day has been progressively bad. With a dip in September-November, where I've cried silently almost every day. >!It's been a mix of terrible social anxiety, imposter syndrome, feeling completely lonely and left out all the time, and the worst of all: developing feelings for a close work friend (whom I just cannot get out of my mind), all of which has been haunting me throughout the day because I think and overthink about it, and there is no one I can share with.!< As a very shy introvert coming out of the lockdown into RTO, this has all taken me by surprise, and I've never felt worse.

Work is the only thing currently keeping me sane, honestly. And I'm working over 16 hours a day just to distract me from my own mind. My life is blessed and I'm not suffering in life otherwise, so I have hope that this too shall pass. I just need the courage to make it through this.

Thank you so much for listening, and for the motivation.