vasya349 t1_j5bie9p wrote
Reply to comment by ashebwead in Aviation startup ZeroAvia flies largest ever hydrogen-electric aircraft by allstevenz
Lol the electrification circlejerk is coming for me even outside of rail subs.
Electrification is not the only solution! It is really fucking expensive and only justified by medium to high volume lines. It requires installation of new electrical facilities in potentially remote or environmentally sensitive areas. It’s also an longterm process that can’t be done globally by the time we need to deal with emissions, because you can’t use electric rolling stock for a 99% complete route. That basically writes off any freight because nobody is ever going to pay for electrifying industrial spurs. They’d just pave over them and use trucks.
vasya349 t1_j59jkzw wrote
Reply to comment by Tigen13 in Aviation startup ZeroAvia flies largest ever hydrogen-electric aircraft by allstevenz
Long-distance trains are already testing on line afaik.
vasya349 t1_j3lai3i wrote
Reply to comment by Shadefeaster in FTX attempting to recover millions donated to charities. by imhergod
He is not in jail for using customer funds for political donations. He’s in jail for loaning customer funds to his investment group. That’s why he’s being charged with securities fraud rather than theft. It also completely changes the legal dynamic on whose property the donations were.
vasya349 t1_j3la7w0 wrote
Reply to comment by S3IqOOq-N-S37IWS-Wd in FTX attempting to recover millions donated to charities. by imhergod
The big thing was Alameda made money from investing with FTX customer funds, meaning they could lose them if their investments went bust (and they did). But I don’t believe FTX revenues themselves (the source of the donations) were ever the property of others.
vasya349 t1_j3l7sqf wrote
Reply to comment by lemonadepeachy in FTX attempting to recover millions donated to charities. by imhergod
The money wasn’t stolen. The vast majority of company revenue wasn’t derived fraudulently. It is alameda that benefitted, rather than FTX. An FTX without fraud would still have been able to make those donations.
vasya349 t1_j3l79vx wrote
Reply to comment by mjtwelve in FTX attempting to recover millions donated to charities. by imhergod
I don’t think anybody is alleging customer funds were used for donations?
vasya349 t1_j1db40v wrote
Reply to comment by fman84 in US Postal Service commits to buy 66,000 Electric vehicles— finally by MrMike
In what world does every single vehicle just not get plugged in? Charging is not much more complex than locking a car
vasya349 t1_j1daqrk wrote
Reply to comment by Ineludible_Ruin in US Postal Service commits to buy 66,000 Electric vehicles— finally by MrMike
This sounds like a bot 99%
vasya349 t1_j12ncii wrote
Reply to comment by drahcirm in Menorah lit inside Capitol in Harrisburg by citytiger
As long as every religion has a chance to be represented in a non-intrusive, appropriate manner, I don’t see the problem. I have no idea if that’s the case in Pennsylvania.
vasya349 t1_j0itu1o wrote
Reply to comment by Grand-wazoo in Scientists Create a Vaccine Against Fentanyl by agaperion
How do you propose we do that?
vasya349 t1_iuch53i wrote
Reply to comment by its8up in Joe Biden just signed the Kigali Amendment, an international climate treaty that phases out HFC pollutants by eddytony96
At least part of that cost is because it didn’t have the economies of scale or investment HFCs do. 2/3rds of congress wouldn’t pass a law on a subject this contentious if they had any points to score.
vasya349 t1_issgrsz wrote
Reply to comment by 38563856 in A 'game-changer' for millions of Americans: You can now buy hearing aids over the counter by zDraxi
Well now you can come here and get some for 200$!
vasya349 t1_ir9fu66 wrote
Reply to comment by agree-with-me in 'I think it's doing some good:' Kentucky's first Narcan vending machine opens in Hardin County by tta2013
You can only break your addiction if you’re still alive. This is a good step towards helping.
vasya349 t1_ir7qslt wrote
Reply to comment by captainfrijoles in Great news for everyone by bk27465
This is a huge win if it works, and if it doesn’t then the EU charger will be used.
vasya349 t1_ir7oev9 wrote
Reply to comment by GrandOpener in Great news for everyone by bk27465
SIM slots are easier to change than power/data ports no? They’d also have to redo internal wiring and interfaces for every single one of their products that take lightning rather than just phones.
vasya349 t1_j5bj8ox wrote
Reply to comment by Wafkak in Aviation startup ZeroAvia flies largest ever hydrogen-electric aircraft by allstevenz
In Europe you have an extensive electrified passenger network that’s easy to supply with electrical facilities due to a general lack of remote areas.
Many rail networks in the world have these areas where it is incredibly expensive to install electricity and they also don’t have the privilege of having invested in electrification for a century. There’s really not a good way to just electrify part of a network if mainlines are going through areas where electrical rolling stock can’t/won’t be served.