
vegancookie t1_jebgevk wrote

"The assumption that there will be a negative reaction to the truth, so the truth shouldn't be known, is fucking ridiculous when it comes to dating."

There is a long and grim of trans abuse and murders because of trans people being open about being trans, you seemingly choose to ignore this piece of information. That is the argument you made, and if you don't understand your own premises to your own argument, then that's a you problem.


vegancookie t1_jeb6dpz wrote

It's not a strawman, you are saying that trans people being honest is **more** important than trans people not being murdered. The reason trans people aren't always forth coming about who they are when they get into relationships is because they don't want to die. So if you respect their partners feelings **more** than you respect trans people's lives, your argument makes sense, but that's a hell of a way to prioritize, and clearly shows a lack of care about trans lives.


vegancookie t1_jeau3pd wrote

Fucking and dating are not always the same thing, and trying to see how your potential partner is so you can judge how safe you are to come out is absolutely fair enough when trans people are murdered so often.


Out of interest are you as vocal when a married man conceals his martial relationship to pursue sexual relationships with others? I see a lot of outrage about trans people, but not so much about married men, and not on the same level.


vegancookie t1_jea7nsf wrote

Your words are clearly towards me, and show that you give a little more than a simply penny for how I, and others, feel. That you feel threatened by other people's gender identity, shows just how insecure you are with yours. You are trying to impose your perception of other people's gender identity onto them regardless of if it is their gender identity. You seem to think you are in fact, the main character.


vegancookie t1_je9vml2 wrote

I have no idea what song you’re talking about, not everyone will know your pop culture references, and if it hadn’t been some unknown pop culture reference there is no way in hell it wouldn’t be overtly transphobic. You could even post the reference here if you want to really let the audience know what on the hell you are referencing.


vegancookie t1_jcdd7lc wrote

A lot of “wholesome” is toxic positivity, rule of thumb for me is, would this encourage or justify abhorrently evil things, if yes, it’s not wholesome, it’s a form of toxic positivity.

Same with does it erase legitimate emotional reactions, if it’s blindly telling someone to be happy when they are depressed, sad, grieving so on so forth, it is not wholesome.


vegancookie t1_jccx2ej wrote

I’ve been struggling a lot with not eating the rich, feeling like maybe I shouldn’t just because I want to, but this meme has definitely helped me to realise I do deserve to eat the rich, thank you! ❤️

Nom nom nom


vegancookie t1_jb0ia1u wrote

If humans didn’t exist, would gravity exist? Of course. If another species came along would they conceptualise gravity how we have? Unknown. It’s the same with maths. We have our ways of looking at the world, and decide how we are going to look at numbers (like what base we use), but this sadly kinda goes back to the whole “if a tree falls” side of things.

What use does maths have if there is no-one to observe the maths, to discover it? What use does gravity have if the universe became lifeless? It would be, but it would also be meaningless.

How we perceive maths, how we perceive gravity, the effects it has on us, is useful.

The concepts of maths only exist because we exist. Would the forces of the universe react differently if we didn’t exist? Probably not (in before quantum physics I don’t understand), but there wouldn’t be any concepts. There wouldn’t be any sense of a difference between a rock, a planet, gravity, light, colour, sound.