vermont4runner t1_j9rx1jb wrote
Reply to comment by anom_k in Landlords and political signs? by [deleted]
Nothing like a criminal record to show them!
vermont4runner t1_j9rx0b6 wrote
Reply to comment by AlarmingTap6953 in Landlords and political signs? by [deleted]
So the answer is no.
vermont4runner t1_j9fmdkn wrote
Change your plates ASAP.
Prepare to be called a masshole if you’re being a dick.
Leave your state politics behind, they don’t apply here and you’ll really rub people the wrong way.
VT is a constitutional carry state, you’ll see a lot of guns and many many people own them. It’s a contributing factor to the safety and low crime here.
Don’t try and make VT MASS. It is a microcosm all of its own and those here generally like it that way.
As someone who’s from NH, has tons of family in MASS, and now lives in VT for 6 years raising a young family, you will be welcomed with opened arms by most if you listen to the above.
Welcome, it’s nice here.
vermont4runner t1_j9flc47 wrote
Reply to comment by spitsparadise in What are some legislative and day-to-day differences between VT, and MA? by spitsparadise
Just 6% sales tax at purchase or time of registration. That’s it one and done. Afterwards it’s a flat fee to renew registration and it’s cheap.
vermont4runner t1_j8zxe0t wrote
Reply to comment by HomeOnTheMountain_ in Town Meeting Day is Tuesday, 3/7. What's on your town's agenda and ballots? by deadowl
Same here. Yet overall spending decreased? I’m moving because slater valley district is an absolute joke. I refuse to send my kids there.
vermont4runner t1_j8zk8lb wrote
Reply to comment by joeydokes in Ranting On! Bank Left, or more of the same? by joeydokes
It’s ok. Just maybe chill lol.
I do agree with the majority of what you’re suggesting. Not overly down for a debate tonight but good luck bud.
vermont4runner t1_j8zhq4i wrote
Reply to comment by joeydokes in Ranting On! Bank Left, or more of the same? by joeydokes
Where did any of that come from? I was giving you background on Rama and you went full asshole…
I delete and replace my account about every 6-12mo. I’m not new around here and at no point was I taking a shot at you. Seems like you’re looking for a fight though.
vermont4runner t1_j8zfpz9 wrote
Reply to comment by joeydokes in Ranting On! Bank Left, or more of the same? by joeydokes
They’re some local running for a low level local office who decided preaching to everyone here was a great idea. Anyone who disagreed with them was treated very poorly.
vermont4runner t1_j8z7mm9 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Ranting On! Bank Left, or more of the same? by joeydokes
And nothing of value was lost
vermont4runner t1_j8z2z1n wrote
Reply to comment by joeydokes in Ranting On! Bank Left, or more of the same? by joeydokes
Rama got a lot of flak for spamming this sub. Probably worried those she angered would do the same.
vermont4runner t1_j9zaank wrote
Reply to kancamagus lodge destroys 44 passports (Lincoln NH) by I-am-that-Someone
TLDR. The lodge destroyed them by accident.