victorix58 OP t1_je78tsp wrote
Reply to comment by bk1285 in Lawmaker takes drug test to prove Pennsylvania DUI laws unfair by victorix58
They will also have to do "Alcohol Highway Safety School Classes" even though their DUI has nothing to do with alcohol. Our DUI laws are never being updated to be fair to defendants. Just to increase punishments for political capital with voters.
victorix58 OP t1_je78nug wrote
Reply to comment by Low-Public-9948 in Lawmaker takes drug test to prove Pennsylvania DUI laws unfair by victorix58
A blood test will show significantly higher levels if you just smoked a month ago vs. just smoked an hour ago. Like 50nanograms per ml vs. 5ng/ml.
Blood tests are absolutely standard in DUI investigations. They just don't care the level of the results in marijuana right now. They should, if we are seeking to punish actual impairment.
victorix58 OP t1_je38n9o wrote
Reply to comment by Braggolach in Lawmaker takes drug test to prove Pennsylvania DUI laws unfair by victorix58
I feel like we've gotten a little off subject. lol
victorix58 OP t1_je3547q wrote
Reply to comment by Braggolach in Lawmaker takes drug test to prove Pennsylvania DUI laws unfair by victorix58
I'm pretty sure God thinks we should have laws to deter drunk drivers from killing people.
victorix58 OP t1_je316ug wrote
Reply to comment by Low-Public-9948 in Lawmaker takes drug test to prove Pennsylvania DUI laws unfair by victorix58
Alcohol effects people differently too though. If you're taking that tack, you would be suggesting get rid of the blood alcohol content laws as well. They are also generalizations based upon non-specific data.
I mean, we could do that, but it doesn't have as great of a logic or fairness justification. And I personally do not know that I would want to.
victorix58 OP t1_je2yiaw wrote
Reply to comment by SeptasLate in Lawmaker takes drug test to prove Pennsylvania DUI laws unfair by victorix58
> Does this require a blood test?
Yes. It is pretty standard to do blood tests in both alcohol and drug DUIs.
Alcohol also has the option, which isn't available for drug, to do a more reliable breath test on a machine that can be maintained at the police station. The breathalyzers or "preliminary breath tests" that they have on the side of the road are not admissible at trial and do not detect drugs, so they are just used as a guidepost on whether there is enough reason to send it for a more reliable test.
victorix58 OP t1_je2urne wrote
Reply to comment by SeptasLate in Lawmaker takes drug test to prove Pennsylvania DUI laws unfair by victorix58
Edit: Please do not downvote u/SeptasLate for this legitimate concern.
Nothing suggests that there wouldn't be deterrents in place for impaired driving. I'm a criminal defense lawyer; allow me to explain for those who might not know.
Two types of DUI laws exist in PA, each with two sub-varieties. Those are alcohol-based DUI laws and drug based DUI laws.
Alcohol is subdivided into alcohol impairment DUIs and having a certain level of alcohol in your blood. You can be prosecuted in either circumstance.
Drug is differently subdivided into drug impairment and having ANY level of an illegal, non-prescription drug in your blood. Medical marijuana is not by prescription, only legally authorized, and so can still be prosecuted for any level.
All we have to do to make it fair, is to change marijuana from the ANY level DUI into a certain high level of THC which has been shown by study to cause impairment (like alcohol does). Right now, it's unfair because we KNOW it doesn't impair you at certain levels and yet it is still against the law and you WILL be prosecuted regardless of your lack of impairment.
victorix58 OP t1_je2ov9v wrote
Reply to comment by TheJohnMega in Lawmaker takes drug test to prove Pennsylvania DUI laws unfair by victorix58
He didn't even bother to try to rationalize it with how much you use. Or reference any sort of study (because there isn't any). Standard state trooper bullshit, I'm sorry to say.
victorix58 t1_jbe89rn wrote
Reply to Consumers respond less positively to new products when their brand names use unconventional spellings of real words, like “Klear” instead of “Clear.” Findings showed that consumers saw these names as indicating the brand was less honest, down-to-earth and wholesome. by geoff199
The science of capitalism. How wonderful that we are perfecting our knowledge of how best to lie to "consumers" with advertising. What a wonderful world. A little bit closer to true satire every day. Like living in the movie Idiocracy.
victorix58 t1_j9yb84q wrote
Reply to comment by defusted in Bucks County Has Two Millionaires for Every One Homeless School Child by Open_Veins_8
Asking what a statistic means is a logical thing to do, regardless of what our hoped for course of action is afterwards.
victorix58 t1_j7ub7lf wrote
Reply to comment by Jaysyn4Reddit in ‘We are not forgotten’: Formerly deported veterans become U.S. citizens in special San Diego ceremony by ProgressiveSnark2
Sure. And the idea has been questioned since ancient rome. If you are dying and killing for a country, it should be beyond question that you are a citizen.
victorix58 t1_j7u6uly wrote
Reply to comment by myarsehasteeth in ‘We are not forgotten’: Formerly deported veterans become U.S. citizens in special San Diego ceremony by ProgressiveSnark2
I was thinking how on earth do you get to be a soldier for a country and not be a citizen of that country. If we're accepting someone into the military, their citizenship should go through before that even happens.
victorix58 t1_j6347af wrote
Reply to comment by Semi_Bee in Life can be confusing by thumbles_comic
Huh, hadn't even heard about that. Roiland has an interest in that company that made 'High on Life' too.
victorix58 t1_j629vys wrote
Reply to comment by Foe117 in Jury acquits Pawtucket police officer in shooting of teen driver by skippyspk
This is a criminal case. It has nothing to do with QI.
Also, jury of 12 acquitted him. A lot of people blaming the system, but it sounds like that jury's fault to me.
victorix58 t1_j61wetn wrote
Reply to comment by kstinfo in Boarding school ignored teen’s sickness complaints before she died, ex-staff say by ninjascotsman
Is this a juvenile detention facility? It sure sounds like one. Possibly court ordered.
victorix58 t1_j5twxeb wrote
Reply to Life can be confusing by thumbles_comic
Less outrageous than real life.
Here's my favorite real life court transcript, read by rick and morty:
victorix58 t1_j5g26c1 wrote
Reply to Erie, Pa….I’m curious what is the perception of Pennsylvanians of Erie…it’s basically separated from the rest of the urban areas by Miserable-Gold-1493
Small town in the middle of nowhere, but for a great lake.
victorix58 t1_j4dnymw wrote
Reply to comment by j428h in Rapper Meek Mill says he was pardoned by Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf for 2008 charges by joefred111
Wolf instituted an expedited board of pardon review for marijuana possession charges. It's been around for years. This looks like one of those. Just happens to be that the rapper is a notable person to point out in that group.
victorix58 t1_j2ulfre wrote
Reply to comment by TheNorseHorseForce in I am 100% for this and want to see what everyone in Pennsylvania thinks ? Kill a parent drunk driving pay child support. by [deleted]
I'll take that wager.
The state isn't all that generous. They don't do that with any other restitution ordered in a criminal case. Or child support.
victorix58 t1_j2u8qc9 wrote
Reply to comment by Dredly in I am 100% for this and want to see what everyone in Pennsylvania thinks ? Kill a parent drunk driving pay child support. by [deleted]
Could do it as restitution, instead of a fine. Fines just go to the court or state; restitution goes back to the victim the court directs it at.
victorix58 t1_j2u8las wrote
Reply to I am 100% for this and want to see what everyone in Pennsylvania thinks ? Kill a parent drunk driving pay child support. by [deleted]
Nice in theory.
Would require constant court proceedings to enforce. Will the victims' family want to be reminded of it so often? Will they enjoy being reminded by having money from their parents' killer or the killer's name coming up for contempt via nonpayment?
Better to do a lump sum as part of restitution in sentencing. Leave it to the criminal court, you don't need a civil court handling child support involved.
victorix58 t1_iz86yk8 wrote
Reply to comment by TheWorldInMySilence in On-Duty Pennsylvania State Trooper Charged For Drunk Driving by jillianpikora
He knew enough to refuse the blooddraw?
victorix58 t1_iz34s4v wrote
Reply to comment by commanderfish in PA Rejects Over 90% of Cannabis Pardon Applicants in Disappointing Attempt at Reform by CannaChefBuz
He set up the expedited pardon review board to review this and gave them the standards to decide which cases to recommend he pardon.
The governor sure is responsible for this.
victorix58 t1_iz2j06k wrote
Reply to comment by commanderfish in PA Rejects Over 90% of Cannabis Pardon Applicants in Disappointing Attempt at Reform by CannaChefBuz
I see we're changing the subject.
victorix58 OP t1_je83um2 wrote
Reply to comment by Low-Public-9948 in Lawmaker takes drug test to prove Pennsylvania DUI laws unfair by victorix58
You dont have to, but they will suspend your license if you dont. they will still prosecute you as well.