victorix58 t1_iz28r85 wrote
Reply to comment by Steelplate7 in PA Rejects Over 90% of Cannabis Pardon Applicants in Disappointing Attempt at Reform by CannaChefBuz
Democratic governor fucked this up....
victorix58 t1_iz27wek wrote
Reply to comment by Extra-Permission-431 in PA Rejects Over 90% of Cannabis Pardon Applicants in Disappointing Attempt at Reform by CannaChefBuz
As as a criminal defense attorney, I have NEVER seen a small amount of marijuana that wasn't charged with drug paraphernalia.
If they rejected pardons because it has to be separate from this, I'm surprised the pardons were granted in 10% of cases.
Wolf sucks.
victorix58 t1_ita1z0r wrote
Reply to comment by capitocoto in A Queer Community Speaks Up for Student After Teacher's Transphobia by wdcmsnbcgay
It's not the correct word if it violates English.
victorix58 t1_ita1w6f wrote
Reply to comment by merklegroot in A Queer Community Speaks Up for Student After Teacher's Transphobia by wdcmsnbcgay
Agree. He shouldn't have to conform to the thought police's abuse of English.
victorix58 t1_isvolx7 wrote
Reply to comment by MadMinded in PSA: You must Register to Vote by next Monday, October 24! by drodjan
Polls have it that way.
victorix58 t1_isdqwgw wrote
Reply to comment by SamShephardsMustache in Pennsylvania district rejects Satanists’ $578 donation for school supplies by magenta_placenta
> sky daddy
Hating Christians. So edgy, so trendy.
victorix58 t1_is4x7c2 wrote
Reply to In Pa. county jails, people with mental illness are routinely met with pepper spray and stun guns by WITFnews
PA public defender here. Let me paint a common picture and talk about an important term along the way.
What does the word forensic mean? Well, forensic is a code word for involved in the criminal justice system. Why's that word important here? It renders treatment options virtually non existent.
Suppose someone with mental health issues is charged and put in jail because they are perceived as dangerous and unable or unwilling to stop. They don't have family resources, housing, or insurance. They don't have a job. They maybe trespassed at Walmart after arguing with an employee. Or gotten into a fight with family. Or the like.
Before being incarcerated, they can be taken to a local hospital and involuntarily committed for mental health treatment until their mental health becomes relatively stable. The hospital can't or doesn't refuse treatment.
After being incarcerated, the treatment needs are labeled as "forensic." The private hospitals won't accept them anymore. They say they have to go to a forensic hospital, because their needs are now "forensic." And local judges are disinclined to let mentally unstable, untreated, homeless persons out of jail.
But there are virtually no forensic hospitals in PA. There are two IN THE ENTIRE STATE. They are state run. They have to be shipped there after a very long waiting list, usually months. And then, when they are relatively stable, they are shipped back to the county jail. And when they get back they have the same local treatment options. Some of these people who are really stuck literally wait in prison a year or more before ever going to trial or pleading guilty. Just trying to sort out the mental health component.
The state and counties are not funding indigent mental health treatment. It's just non existent. And there is no where for these people to go.
victorix58 t1_iz2e3ee wrote
Reply to comment by commanderfish in PA Rejects Over 90% of Cannabis Pardon Applicants in Disappointing Attempt at Reform by CannaChefBuz
You have no idea what you are talking about.
Governor has pardon power. The pardon program was entirely within the governor's control. It was his project and not passed by the legislator.