virtualchoirboy t1_iuiifgy wrote
"Hey, there's a great sale going on and there is a TON of stuff available that I'd normally buy and they're at dirt cheap prices too. Yeah, they might go down a bit lower so I might not get the best deal, but they're a pretty good deal right now. Instead, I'm going to spend my money on other stuff and wait until everything isn't on sale anymore."
At least, that's what I was thinking as I read your post...
virtualchoirboy t1_iudzavp wrote
Reply to comment by bowie2019 in Trying to educate myself on current candidates by jue_bacca
You can also find PDF versions of your specific ballot through the state Secretary of State website. Never even have to leave your computer.
virtualchoirboy t1_itzdy82 wrote
Reply to comment by merryone2K in by far the biggest snake i’ve seen in CT by littleA1xo
Pretty much any politician. I've long subscribed to that old joke...
Q: How can you tell when a politician is lying?
A: Their lips are moving...
virtualchoirboy t1_ity1u04 wrote
Reply to by far the biggest snake i’ve seen in CT by littleA1xo
I was sooo ready for this to be a picture of a politician.... :-)
virtualchoirboy t1_itsgwj3 wrote
Thank you for letting me make a vote on your behalf. I'm sure you'll agree with my choices...
virtualchoirboy t1_itrtckr wrote
Reply to comment by hard-time-on-planet in Fact check: Does CT have the highest utility rates? by jr_reddit
The author ONLY talks about national rates with respect to BOTH claims. They never limited it to just Northeast which is what Lamont's claim was supposedly about.
And as I said, their conclusion is still accurate, it's just that their "proof" isn't looking at an appropriately limited set of facts.
virtualchoirboy t1_itq7eo8 wrote
While I believe the conclusion they come to is accurate, I find it difficult to trust an attempted fact check of "Northeast utility rates" when the article author immediately starts talking about national rates.
I did a little digging and CT is just barely 2nd in the Northeast behind MA for electricity. For gas, we're 2nd behind ME. For water rates, we look to be 2nd behind NJ. If you stick to just "New England" and exclude NY/NJ, CT has the highest water rate.
So, we're not the lowest, we're not the highest, but we're close to the highest. Both politicians are lying.
You want further proof, just look at them. Are their lips moving? Then they're trying to mislead you.
virtualchoirboy t1_itgs6yh wrote
Reply to comment by mintccicecream in CT got 3rd best school system after NJ, MA coming in first. by IndicationOver
From past experience when my kids were in school, private will always "rate" better because they can decline to enroll children that would add stress to their system (i.e, ESL, those with physical or learning disabilities, etc). Thus, the kids that are enrolled do better on standardized tests and moving on to higher education. This makes it seem like the private schools are "better", but it's simply because they are choosy about the students enrolled. Public school has no choice but to take everyone the private schools reject.
My kids went public and have done better than some of their friends that went private. I firmly believe a part of their success was that my wife and I were involved parents. We made school a priority and we were available to help them where necessary. We went to meet the teacher nights. We went to parent teacher conferences. We didn't assume that our kids could do no wrong either. If they messed up, they had to accept responsibility and we'd help them figure out how to move forward.
And from the teachers we talked to, parent involvement is one of the biggest factors that influence how well a child does in school. If the parents don't care, the kids won't care.
virtualchoirboy t1_iujqvku wrote
Reply to Car Dealers adding surcharge $5K, $3K over msrp. Is this legal? by reddit_dwhyer
MSRP is Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price. The dealer is under no obligation to use that as a maximum price. A sister-in-law bought a new car earlier this year and instead of a fixed dollar amount, was told that all cars on the lot were going for 9% above MSRP. However, since we had referred her to the dealer we had used, she got a "friends and family" discount down to 4.5% above list.