voluotuousaardvark t1_izn71ne wrote
Reply to comment by Minuted in The Japanese cigarette brand weaponised against Chinese smokers in wartime by zhumao
I genuinely enjoyed following you down that rabbit hole.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that has to gather their thoughts like this to confirm a cloudy memory.
voluotuousaardvark t1_izkjtum wrote
Reply to comment by xXZer0c0oLXx in [Image] Reminder: What is coming is better than what is gone. by sylsau
sigh unzips. Proudest wank.
voluotuousaardvark t1_iu0xs6r wrote
Reply to comment by DevonLuck24 in [Image] Be Dynamic by vkeyunl0ckslife
What if 5 minutes ago I was someone that was at the end of their cool off period for a vastly overpriced interest rate on a credit card?
voluotuousaardvark t1_iu07406 wrote
Reply to comment by FTMHorn in Every language travels at the speed of sound, except sign language that travels at the speed of light by _somename_
Are you counting the time it takes to write the text message?
voluotuousaardvark t1_ityhrci wrote
Reply to comment by DeTrotseTuinkabouter in LPT: If you are a naturalized citizen, do NOT post pictures of yourself with your naturalization certificate online. by Particular-Canary696
It sounds like they did it more as a warning. Some people are mental, the last thing you'd want is some Internet creep that's decided they're obsessed with your new wife to turn up on your doorstep with flowers.
voluotuousaardvark t1_jc9s1o0 wrote
Reply to comment by G-H-O-S-T in [Image] The Power of Determination by granilhiom
Police in the UK, relatively, recently got hauled over tha coals for sharing pictures in private WhatsApp groups of murder victims.
People are shitty.