w0mbatina t1_iucm3ra wrote
Reply to comment by ZenHun in My cousin works for Gibson and just built a custom guitar for Elton John by slayez06
Obviously the tuners are put in right at the end. The question of "is it finished" refers to the actual finish and inlay work on the guitar, something which gibson is notirious for fucking up.
w0mbatina t1_iucldi9 wrote
Reply to comment by 1503O in My Mother with random guy some time in the 70s by Independent-Yak2187
I wonder if its still alive
w0mbatina t1_ir4d6cd wrote
Reply to comment by garlicroastedpotato in Slovenia legalises same-sex marriage and adoption by citytiger
Well thats a really weird take. Especially since a right wing party only won 2 out of 9 parlimentary elections in the entire history of the country.
w0mbatina t1_iucm9o7 wrote
Reply to comment by slayez06 in My cousin works for Gibson and just built a custom guitar for Elton John by slayez06
I mean you can get a super high quality (higher quality than gibsons for sure) guitar for like 2k from a custom builder/luthier. And they will custimize it in any way you want, unlike gibson (or any other major name brand custom shop for that matter).