
weakenedstrain t1_itizko6 wrote

Akshully, the assholes who put it up on the utility pole had no right putting it there. OP was literally doing public service, regardless of whether you agree with the poster itself.

Bonus points it was advocating some Sky Daddy religious hate


weakenedstrain t1_is7pgbs wrote

Sounds like your friend didn’t have enough capital in reserve to weather a global pandemic. I’m sorry for all his poor employees who probably got even less support than he did.

At least he can lick himself up by his bootstraps and start again, unless he’s morbidly obese or lazy or something.


weakenedstrain t1_is7oy3p wrote

I’m just curious: do you think obesity, surviving cancer, and age are justifications for a death sentence? I only ask because that’s what your comment sounds like.

I’m hoping you reply that you were just speaking hyperbolically, and that you’re not so jaded that you can still feel sympathy for the over one million people who died and their multiple millions of survivors who in many cases couldn’t even say goodbye to them.

Cause if you’re saying those people DESERVED to die horrifically and alone, that would be pretty psychotic.


weakenedstrain t1_ir3jrvy wrote

So uh… that whole pandemic on top of an already struggling healthcare system was a fiasco.

And you’re blaming… vaccines?

Please tell me I’m wrong.

Edit in response to edit: you’re blaming a mandate designed to keep people safe for costing more for healthcare. Nurses SHOULD be paid triple what they are for the work they do and the last few years.

I blame YOU and morons like you who think the mandate is the problem when mandates and amazing science are what got us through the pandemic so far with just one of the highest per capita death rates.

Antivaxxers made this LONGER and much more painful than it needed to be.